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2013-12-25 21:20:04| 人氣1,104| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Blessed Boomerang

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“The days that make us happy make us wise.”


People are all the time asking me onequestion: ”How do you always manage to be so cheerful?”

Of course I do not always feel gay. If did I would be what you call ”slap-happy.” Butimmediately when I sense an audience respondingto the gaiety I am trying to give out, I feelgaiety coming back to me. It is like a boomerang-a blessed boomerang.

This works not only for the performer. Itis a good game anybody can play.

A man goes to his office. He is grumpy, growls agreeting to his secretary. She may have awakened spirited and jaunty, but right away the ugliness is contagious. Or, in reverse,he comes in whistling. Maybe he has picked a flower from his garden for hisbuttonhole as he hurried to catch his train. He extends a merry greeting, it boomerangs.The office brightens.

There are targets everywhere. Just take aimand let go with good cheer.

I like to try out on bus drivers in bigcities. They are a worried lot. People ask them long and involved questions, usually about how to get some place in theopposite direction. So board a bus, give a greeting. One time it did not work. Iwas not in a good mood. My approach, or rather my aim, was poor. The driver snarled, whether in pain or indifference I do notknow. Then I transferred to another bus. This time I threw out the greetingwith urgency and determination. My greeting was returned, wrapped in a pleasantsmile. I got off that bus revived.

The business of getting back something for whatyou give appeals to my practical French nature,especially when the “something” benefits you so much. It is what they call inbusiness a high rate of return.

So, happy Hunting- or perhaps I should sayHappy Boomeranging!















梅禮斯 雪佛萊(法國明星)






grumpy: 性情乖戾的

growl: (狗等)嗥叫

jaunty: 輕鬆活潑的; 快活的, 喜洋洋的

ugliness: 難看, 醜陋

contagious: 接觸傳染性的

snarl: (狗等), [(+at)]

practical: 實踐的, 實際的


台長: 蒼子
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