傑美 杜蘭德(喜劇演員)
Don’t Sneer at Nonsense
“A little nonsense now and then is relishedby the wisest men.”- ANONYMOUS
The other night, after a very touch day atthe studio, I try to get out a dinner date. I say I’m too tired and grumpy tobe good company. But the people insist I’ve got to show up anyway, since thelamb chops are already in the skillet. So I finally give in.
No sooner do I get in the door when my hostsays,”Jimmy, dinner’s not quite ready and little Clara has been waiting for youto read to her before she goes to sleep.” That’s just what I need! In the mood I’min, I’m supposed to go through a bedtime-story session with a four-year-old. ButI am trapped, so I go upstairs and take the book the kid gives me and I startto read to her.
I soon get quite a surprise. It’s been along time since I read the wonderful nonsense about the Walrus that cries as hecarves the oysters, the Elephant that plays the fife, the Pobble who has no toes,the Owl and the Pussycat which went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat. I amsoon getting as big a kick out of it as the little girl!
When I come downstairs I am all coveredwith smiles and ready to leap into those lamb chops. And it gets me to thinking,too- which is a feat in itself, folks. I think, jimmy, nonsense is your stockin trade, but maybe you don’t realize how healthy it is off the job.
Maybe there’s nobody who is smart and wiseenough to do without a little nonsense. Maybe it’s even more important thanever these days, when the headlines are not the happiest which I ever read, tohave a sort of safety valve.
When we were all kids, we grew up withnonsense as a sort of a friend. And I figure the guy who says to himself,” I’veout-grown that sort of stuff,” must be a pretty lonely guy.