“Lord, make me an Instrumentof Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sowlove. Where there is injury, pardon…”
The game of Cowboys and Indians had been going on vigorously and, to stretch the meaning of the word a little, peacefully, out on the beach for some time. Then suddenly, there was trouble.
One of the youngsters, a brown-hairedCowboy, about seven and the youngest of the lot, had been captured by the Indiansand was to be tied to a stake-the stake being a huge, ugly hunk of driftwood that looked very much like the gnarled roots of anancient tree. The brown-haired Cowboy objected to being tied to the driftwood. Whether,in his concept of the game, the driftwood wasnot legitimately a stake or whether he, out ofsome special sensitivity, found the ugly driftwood objectionable, I could notmake out. But he was very definite about it. He would not be tied to it.
The boss of the game, the oldest of theboys, about ten or eleven and something of a bully, grew angry.
“Go on home, Yellow!” he shouted at thelittle fellow, “Go on home, We don’t like you!”
The other boys, in the natural spirit ofthe gang, took up the words in a sort of singsong. “Go on home, Yellow! We don’tlike you!”
The boy, hurt andbewildered by this sudden show of cruelty,looked from one face to another. Then, after a long moment, in a voice quavering but deeply earnest,he said, “But I like you.”
The singsong stopped before hisearnestness. For a brief moment, it seemed as if his simple but gravely movingwords would have some effect. Three of the boys looked at one another inuncertainly. They had been somehow touched.
But the bully had not been touched. “Go onhome, Yellow!” he cried out again. And then to the gang, “Come on, fellers! Let’sgo!”
The game was begun again without thebrown-haired Cowboy.
He looked desolately on for a minute ortwo, then turned and moved slowly away, following the frothing white line ofthe sea’s edge, sadness in his drooping figure, bewilderment still on his sensitiveface.
I watched him go. I felt profoundly sorryfor him. It was as if I had just watched the stoning of a prophet.
He grew smaller in the distance. Still hiswords stayed with me.
“But I like you.”
It is along way from a mountain in Galileeto the beach at Malibu and today’s world, yet that brown-haired boy, standing there on the sand, answering his young tormentors with an earnest declaration of his affection for them, vividly brought back to me those dramatic,revolutionary words, “But I say unto you, love your enemies…”
He disappeared from my view around a wide sweep of the shore.
What would the years do to the littleCowboy? Could he go on saying to his enemies. “but I like you?” could it everbe he would remain unspoiled in the world andone day be a saint?
邁爾士 康諾利(作家)
Hatred: 憎恨, 增惡; 敵意
Vigorously: 精神旺盛地; 活潑地
Driftwood: 浮木
Concept: 概念, 觀念, 思想
Legitimately: 合法地
Bewildered: 困惑的
Cruelty: 殘酷, 殘忍
Quaver: (聲音等)顫抖
Earnest: 認真的; 誠摯的; 熱心的
Tormentors: 使苦痛的人(或事物)
Declaration: 宣佈, 宣告; 宣言, 聲明
Vividly: 生動地; 逼真地
Sweep: 曲線; 轉彎; 彎曲; 彎路
Unspoiled: 未損壞的; 未受破壞的
Saint: (教會正式承認的)聖徒