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2006-10-13 14:00:52

Love is love

I used to be carefree till I was placed in such a dilemma. Last night, I asked you the meaning of marriage. Does this special ceremony really guarantee a life-long commitment? If so, how come th...

2006-10-09 13:46:38

Poem & Lullaby

The first time I ever really held you Anticipation, Anxiety, flicker in your eyes Like windows in burning building Your kiss was a ring of warmth On the polar cap of my heart I can feel the melt ...

2006-10-07 11:44:53

Winter_Tori Amos

Snow can’t wait I forgot my mittens Wipe my nose Get my new boots on I get a little warm in my heart When I think of winter I put my hand in my father’s glove I run off where the drifts get...

2006-10-04 23:43:55

No wonder

The outcome of my P.E.T. I felt a little bit suprise that my psychological type turns out to be "extraverted"...I’ve always been thinking myself as more "introverted"..anyway, I agree mostly with the...

2006-10-03 04:03:14


What is the purpose to learn? Recently, I’ve been questioning my purpose to attend a master school. I learn simply because I want to learn or it should be learning for future career, to have a be...

2006-09-30 12:53:11


任性_ 喜歡聽歌 感人的歌 它讓我覺得愛是對的 睡不著 我就醒著 不再讓日子被打亂了 我們的故事從這首歌開始也從這首歌結束,直到現在聽到這熟悉的聲音我還能依稀感受到你。淡淡的眷戀隨時空的遷移飄散,忘...

2006-09-27 04:32:37



2006-09-22 12:00:49

Insecure_I gave you everything

Still can’t pull myself out from these negative thoughts. I have been thinking what you said to me, trying to put every piece together. But still, it seems to get harder. I am completely lost. Can’t...

2006-09-20 14:28:02



2006-09-19 15:44:44


你從遠方走來 我看見一絲曙光 是希望吧 我同自己說 拖著踉蹌的腳步 我奮力走到你面前 可卻怎麼也看不清你的臉 幸福的終端是怎樣的風景 我想知道 一句話一個承諾 都不爭氣的斷線飛走了 你走得太快太...

2006-09-17 15:07:11

Happy 7th Anniversary


2006-09-16 22:59:19


Everybody tries to put some love on the line. Everybody feels a broken heart sometime. 幸福,是每個人都在追求,可卻又好像總是那麼的遙不可及。 有時候都會不知道自己在認真什麼,但是卻又不甘心就這樣...

2006-09-16 10:22:35


你要離開一些時候 作詞:德志 作曲:Mac 編曲:洪敬堯 演唱:龔詩嘉 當你說你要離開一些時候 腦中一片空洞我來不及接受 面對你 我該痛哭淚流 還是祝你 一路順風 *能等多久就等多久 離開前握緊我的手...

2006-09-10 08:37:47

My sugar cat

Have I ever told you I love you? No. I do. Still? Always. My sugar cat 作詞: 中島美嘉 作曲: 五島良子 私が死んだら ちゃんと忘れてね プレゼントも ...

2006-09-05 12:50:23

Dedicated to my love

Kahlil Gibran--The Prophet Children And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, ”Speak to us of Children.” And he said: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and dau...

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