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2007-04-26 06:16:06

The Liar

Date: 11/01 5:00 pm PBT News: After the whole investigation, the court declared that Ms. Martha was released guiltless. She and her attorney who is also her boyfriend, Mr. Hamilton are going to h...

2007-04-24 02:03:29


親愛的孩子,有些看起來很美麗的花朵,往往都是帶刺的有毒植物。 當我看見你豪不知情的將可怕的巫婆當做善良的公主時,作為大人的我,真不知道該不該將真相完完全全的告訴你。但仔細想想,就算你明白了誰才是壞人...

2007-04-19 01:38:51

秘密花園﹍Cherry Boom

秘密花園 作詞:櫻桃幫/徐世珍 作曲:櫻桃幫 編曲:黃中岳 一朵小花 微笑的花 讓我在暴風之後恢復信仰 一點小傷 不管多傷 我相信長大不是一種懲罰 就算飛得太快太急 偶爾有點迷惘 秘密花園讓我們 想起...

2007-04-05 15:23:35



2007-04-04 00:36:04

Tequila Sunrise

Sometimes you felt like you’ve forgot everything. Being intoxicated, my head aches so badly the next morning. I am having a hangover again... and there is no cure for me since the day you left. ...

2007-03-29 00:43:11


I tried to be nice! But can’t solve the conflict. He is the ultimate CHEESE! Triggering off this crisis. Friend or Lover. You never know whom to choose. This hesitation has damaged our faith bad...

2007-03-23 13:40:55


一直以來都很喜歡甜甜圈的滋味,咬下一口,那細砂糖在口中融化的感覺,總是能讓失意的我重新找回快樂的理由。 所以,那陣子我BBS上的暱稱就叫做幸福的甜甜圈。因為我相信,只要願意,幸福是可以離自己很近的。 ...

2007-03-19 10:32:58

No More Fear

Anyone of us should never live in fear. Clothesline project, a project stared fifteen years ago in United States has helped lots of females who suffered from all kinds of violence in their lives. ...

2007-03-17 09:49:43


除了家人,這個位置不可以坐其他的女人! 買車的那天,我以半開玩笑的語氣向你宣示我的主權。話說出口的當下,雖是玩笑,心裡還是不免小認真了一下。閒適的日子過多了,腦袋也不由自主的胡思亂想了起來。人家是中...

2007-03-15 00:15:59


在手中的風箏隨風遠颺的那一刻 _忘了把手中的線鬆開 也失去了收與放的自由 這端的我試著把線收緊 _而飛得遠遠的箏卻嚮往更高的天空 拉扯之間 _我彷彿累了 抬起頭用最後的堅定 _鬆手 ...

2007-03-15 00:04:22

How you paint your love

Keep holding on I heard a voice telling me to hang in there But how come I forgot the taste of happiness Taking some time to figure out the scent of love Embrace myself with a shadow that could ne...

2007-03-12 08:00:18

Not Ready to Make Nice

On my way driving home, I heard this song which happened to interpret how I felt couple months ago. As listening to this song, I kept questioning myself.."Was it really that hard for me to forgive?" T...

2007-03-11 18:04:31

One good thing

Half of our life has finally been settled down now. I am grateful about what we have so far. We have been hanging in such uncertain situation for a while since moving to this state. There have been ti...

2007-02-26 18:40:15



2007-02-24 17:43:30


All a sudden, what has been bothering me was gone. It seems like if you really wanna let go, things that making you confused are not that important anymore. Life is so short, why do I have to let myse...

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