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2007-02-20 19:01:07


淡,也許才是最深。 前幾天下樓買午餐,經過一樓大廳時,看見一位老先生緩緩推著身旁乘坐輪椅的老奶奶進入電梯,輪椅後的置物籃裝著幾袋蔬菜水果。我猜想他們可能剛從外邊的市場買完菜回來,在等待電梯的同時,老先...

2007-02-07 11:32:37

Last (0206)


2007-02-04 12:40:52


因為某些,我得到了什麼卻也失去了些什麼。 I couldn’t say anything but felt sad. I was so helpless at the time seeing you goodbye. Years have gone by but I am still waiting. Deep in my heart, I know...

2007-01-31 16:02:37

Sweet Dreams Baby

あの日の約束は忘れていいよ 用一朵花飄落的時間記住曾經有過的一切,轉過身後,我會好好的說再見。相處過這一段,請不要忘了當時所擁有過的幸福。 Using a night to share my dream with you I feel gratefu...

2007-01-31 16:01:03


有時,一個不小心轉錯了彎,人生就彷彿就會陷入無法重頭的窘境。 那時將一切決定權放在我手上的你,那種百分百的信任,現在還剩多少?如果可以,我希望能不要接受所有你給的一切,那是一種沈重的責任,是在我伸手接...

2007-01-31 15:54:29


Before blowing off the candle I remained silent Am I allowed to make a wish? I didn’t perform well though Holding back my last plead My tears dropped quietly in the darkness I may not be bles...

2007-01-16 15:06:01

When I dream

Last night, I heard this beautiful voice... Carol Kidd—When I Dream I could build a mansion that is higher than the trees, I could have all the gifts I want and never ask please. I could fly t...

2007-01-08 08:36:59


念舊的壞毛病讓身邊的垃圾越堆越多 每次都想趁年底大掃除丟去陳舊的老東西 但卻往往在翻開布滿灰塵的盒子後 又依依不捨的將其闔上 就這樣舊東西滿滿的佔據我小小的儲藏室 連最後一扇窗都被層層相疊的紙箱遮蔽住...

2007-01-05 10:53:33



2006-12-30 14:30:12

I am so blessed

Because of the flight delay, it was pretty late when we arrived at Oakland. Full of curiosity and uncertainty, our new life started three hours before sunrise on Christmas Eve. My impression of New Yo...

2006-12-16 13:50:53

Labor of love

You left again Quietly without any message I sat here wondering The music of carousel keeping playing in my mind Children’s laughter glittery eyes Merry go round You said you will always b...

2006-12-16 08:58:06

Being negative

Am I too obsessed by certain meaningless thing? It’s difficult to tell. Sometimes I even doubted my purpose. Spending so much time on reasoning out all these clues will do nothing good to me. Nobody ...

2006-12-10 08:16:32


零下的冰點 這幾天的天空卻異常的晴朗 雙手捧著一杯剛泡好的綠茶拿鐵 蜷曲著身子好讓自己舒服一些 在這樣寒冷的季節裡 你那裡的空氣應該依舊溫暖吧 不明白是什麼讓你做這樣的選擇 這樣做所換來的真的值得嗎 ...

2006-12-09 06:57:13

Nobody’s Fool (Avril)

Fall back Take a look at me And you’ll see I’m for real I feel what only I can feel And if that don’t appeal to you Let me know And I’ll go Cuz I flow better when my colors show An...

2006-12-07 06:44:44


深邃與甜蜜 (作詞:張曼娟) 你說我是你認識最奇怪的女孩 出太陽還穿著雨衣 冬天裡愛吃冰淇淋 大家都快樂我卻流眼淚 不為什麼忽然笑起來 你說我是你認識最恍惚的女孩 常常看著天空發呆 好像有很多心事解不...

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