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老歌亂談(1205)(All I Can Do Is)Dream You

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1987年9月,美國歌手Roy Orbison為Cinemax有線電視公司錄製了一個特別節目,名為「Roy Orbison and Friends: A Black and White Night」,節目中,Roy Orbison表演了他的一些熱門曲目,包含有《Oh, Pretty Woman》、《Only the Lonely》、《Running Scare》……,以及此首《(All I Can Do Is)Dream You》,全部影片以黑白畫面呈現。

此次表演的樂隊TCB Band,從1969即是貓王Elves Presley的巡演伴隨樂團,直至1977貓王過世。另也邀請了一些歌手加入擔任吉他或是鍵盤手,畫面出現較熟悉的有現在仍爆紅的「工人皇帝」Bruce Springsteen,以及J.D. Souther ( Souther最知名的歌曲《You're Only Lonely》/ 1979,咸信其靈感與Orbison的《Only the Lonely》有關。) 等,女性的合音歌手則有Jennifer Warnes、Bonnie Raitt及K.D. lang。


J.D. Souther

左至右:Bonnie Raitt、Jennifer Warnes & K.D. lang

由於Roy Orbison的歌唱技巧,他的歌曲總是令人回味再三,想一聽再聽,也曾是貓王Presley最為推崇的歌手。1988,Roy Orbison受邀參與George Harrison、Bob Dylan、Jeff Lynne及Tom Petty所組成的超級樂隊Traveling Wilburys,聲望再起,惜於同年底因心臟病驟逝,只享年52歲。而此首《(All I Can Do Is)Dream You》則收錄在他身後發行的專輯《Mystery Girl》(1989) 中。



2009,Bruce Springsteen在演唱會時提起了以上他曾參與的這一段,也唱了Orbison的《Pretty Woman》。

I've been away from you for so long
Still every time I think of us, I get blue
But all I can do is dream you

I close my eyes
And love so warm and tender
I feel you touching me
I close my eye
I don't even have to try
It comes so easily

And I don't know why
I ever let us drift apart
But look who's sorry now
'Cause every time
I wake up and you're not around
It only brings me down

Hey baby, all I can do is dream you
All I can do is dream you
All I can do is dream you
All I can do is dream you
Here I go, dreaming you

Everyday I pray
That somewhere down the line
We will meet again
I'll find a way
To get you back somehow
But baby, until then

All I can do is dream you
All I can do is dream you
(Na na na na, na na na na)
(Na na na na, na na na na)

台長: 流浪阿狗
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