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老歌亂談(1139)I'm A Survivor

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此曲為美國鄉村女歌手Lacy J. Dalton於1989所發行的專輯《Survivor》中的歌曲,專輯獲得排行榜第31名,此首單曲雖未打入前50名 ( #57 ),卻是首好聽的鄉村歌曲。

Lacy J. Dalton具堅軔、強有力的歌喉,被People雜誌認為等同是鄉村界的Bonnie Raitt。雖然自1990後未再有入榜歌曲,Lacy仍繼續演唱,並陸續發行了3張獨立製作的專輯。

Bonnie Raitt



Ive been pushed, shoved
Gonna show them the good love
So down and lonely
I had to cry
Ive seen my dreams break
Felt my heart ache
Sometimes livin
Only not to die
Bobby its alright!
But me tell you that its alright
Im a survivor
Gonna make it through
Ive had to play tough!
Then throwem all outta hard stuff
But Im a survivor
Doin what I gotta do
I know I can make it through

Tonight Im run in
My heart is crumblin
This night air chills me
It gets so cold
Born is a new day
Somethins comin my way
Where its gonna take me
I just dont know
Bobby its alright!
Gonna tell you that its alright
Im a survivor
Gonna make it through
Ive had to play tough!
Then throwem all outta hard stuff
But Im a survivor
Doin what I gotta do
I know I can make it through
Hey its alright!
Gonna tell you that its alright
Im a survivor
Gonna make it through … yeah
Ive had to play tough
Then throwem all outta hard stuff
But Im a survivor
Doin what I gotta do
I know I can make it through

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1140)No Expectations
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1138)I Saw Her Standing There

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