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老歌亂談(1103)If I Could Turn Back Time

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此首《If I Could Turn Back Time》為詞曲作家Diane Warren與Guy Roche共同為Cher量身打造,且由Warren錄了試唱帶,豈知Cher聽了後予以拒絕,Warren在事後( 1991 )透稱,她甚至跪了下來懇求,說除非Cher答應,否則她就不離開房間,結果Cher為了擺脫她,還真的就自己先走了。2014,Warren再加爆料,說Cher真的很討厭這首歌,在某個錄音期間,Warren又緊抓住Cher的腿說道:妳必須要錄這首歌。據說Cher的回應是:「F**k you, bitch! You're hurting my leg! OK, I'll try it.」。之後某次Cher唱完,給Warren的眼神像是在說:You were right。

Diane Warren

Cher & Diane


此曲的音樂影帶,原是安排在主力艦「紐澤西號」上拍攝,但因臨時任務出海,改由姊妹艦「密蘇里號」擔綱 ( 此艦為1945二戰結束,接受日本投降簽字儀式的場地,於1992除役。) 初時海軍當然是表示歡迎,認為對於兵員的招募宣傳有幫助,未料等到Cher一出場,看到那一身服裝,大家當場傻眼 ( 確實是太過誇張 ),海軍曾一度要求換裝後再錄,但未果。影帶完成後,由於具爭議性,許多電視媒體拒播該影帶,MTV先是禁止了該視頻,後來只在晚上9點後才播放。海軍因此遭受了許多的批評,儘管有報導海軍部長曾短暫考慮換掉該艦的艦長,但最後卻未有任何的軍官在此事件中受罰。

1973,Cher推出了一首《Half-Breed》,在唱片封套中全身作印地安人妝扮,之後,台長一直以為她和Rita Coolidge一樣有美國原住民血統,錯!原來她的父親是位「亞美尼亞」裔,而Cher也的確是個「混血兒」。

Cher Parent


If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I'd take back those words that have hurt you
And you'd stay
I don't know why I did the things I did
I don't know why I said the things I said
Pride's like a knife, it can cut deep inside
Words are like weapons, they wound sometimes
I didn't really mean to hurt you
I didn't wanna see you go
I know I made you cry, but baby
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I'd take back those words that have hurt you
And you'd stay
If I could reach the stars
I'd give 'em all to you
Then you'd love me, love me
Like you used to do
(If I could turn back time)
My world was shattered, I was torn apart
Like someone took a knife and drove it deep in my heart
When you walked out that door
I swore that I didn't care
But I lost every thing, darlin', then and there
Too strong to tell you I was sorry
Too proud to tell you I was wrong
I know that I was blind, and darlin'
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I'd take back those words that have hurt you
And you'd stay
If I could reach the stars
I'd give 'em all to you
Then you'd love me, love me
Like you used to do, ohh
If I could turn back time
(If I could turn back time)
If I could turn back time
(If I could turn back time)
If I could turn back time, ohh baby
I didnt really mean to hurt you
I didn't wanna see you go
I know I made you cry
But ohh
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I'd take back those words that have hurt you
If I could reach the stars
I'd give them all to you
Then you'd love me, love me
Like you used to do
If I could turn back time
(Turn back time)
If I could find a way (Find a way)
Then maybe, maybe, maybe you'd stay
(Reach the stars)

台長: 流浪阿狗
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