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老歌亂談(1057)Here In The Real World

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有著英國血統的Alan Jackson於1958出生在喬治亞州紐南 (Newnan),高中畢業後曾參加樂團Dixie Steel,27歲時和結婚已6年的妻子Denise搬到了田納西州、被稱為「鄉村音樂之都」的那許維爾 ( Nashville ),目的當然是想在「鄉村樂壇」闖蕩一番。初抵Nashville,Alan在一家有線電視公司的收發室工作,而太太Denise則是位「空姐」,也因而有機會接觸到已是知名歌手的Glen Campbell,Denise希望Campbell可以給自己的先生一些指導建議,是故Campbell掏了一張他經紀人的名片給Denise,並告訴說可打電話給這位經紀人。由此機緣,Alan Jackson快速啟動了他璀璨的歌唱生涯。

Alan Jackson的結婚照


Alan Jackson & Glen Campbell

1989,Alan Jackson成為Arista唱片公司在Nashville分公司的首位簽約歌手,同年,公司替他發行了他的第1首單曲《Blue Blooded Woman》,但成績不甚理想未打入前40 (# 45),第2首單曲即是本篇介紹的《Here In The Real World》,卻衝上了鄉村榜的第3名,想來公司和Alan都因此吃了顆定心丸,並將此歌名沿用作為他第一張專輯的名稱,有趣的是,此曲雖預設為專輯的主打歌,成績最佳的卻是專輯的另一首《I'd Love You All Over Again》,獲得鄉村排行榜第1名,也是Alan的首支冠軍曲。

常看牛仔電影會有一種感覺,就是「英雄」主角怎麼打都不容易死,男女坎坷的愛情也都會有美好的結局。Alan在此曲中想闡述的,他認為電影情節和在真實世界大大不同,在真實世界常會因為感情而心碎,且流下的是真實的眼淚。歌詞中「Is how the boy don't always get the girl」,這不禁讓台長我有些懷疑,像Alan這款外型出眾的大帥哥,交女友應是無往不利,心中怎會有這種悲觀的想法,且作為歌詞寫出來?或許Alan結婚得太早 ( 老婆是他高中時交往的sweetheart ),在成名後難免對自己的「魅力」有所存疑。果然,1998因事業的壓力和「不忠」,老婆和他分居了幾個月,而之後倆人又和好。


2004,在Alan出生成長的Newnan,有一條他父親生前常會行經約8公里的路,被命名為「Alan Jackson Highway」,對一位鄉村歌手來說,這的確是無比的殊榮。


Cowboys don't cry, and heroes don't die
Good always wins, again and again
And love is a sweet dream that always comes true
Oh, if life were like the movies, I'd never be blue
But here in the real world
It's not that easy at all
'Cause when hearts get broken
It's real tears that fall
And darlin' it's sad but true
But the one thing I've learned from you
Is how the boy don't always get the girl
Here in the real world
I gave you my love, but that wasn't enough
To hold your heart, when times got rough
And tonight on that silver screen
It'll end like it should
Two lovers will make it through
Like I hoped we would
But here in the real world
It's not that easy at all
'Cause when hearts get broken
It's real tears that fall
And darlin' it's sad but true
But the one thing I've learned from you
Is how the boy don't always get the girl
Here in the real world
No, the boy don't always get the girl
Here in the real world

台長: 流浪阿狗
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