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老歌亂談(1052)Made in Japan

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此曲為美國鄉村歌手Buck Owens於1972年所推出的歌曲,在告示牌鄉村榜站上了第一名的位置。Buck Owens是所謂Bakersfield sound的先驅者 ( Bakersfield是加州的地名,該「聲音」有別於傳統鄉村音樂,另使用了電子樂器,而形成了一種風潮,此對後來的「鄉村搖滾」及「非法鄉村」產生了一定的影響。),Buck Owens和他的樂團The Bukaroos共有21首鄉村冠軍曲,而此曲為其至2006年過世 ( 76歲 ) 前的最後一首。





My transistor radio comes from far away
And when it's night over here over there it's a breakin' day
I remember all the good times I had a walkin in the sand
With the beautiful girl that I met made in Japan

The beauty of her face was beyond my wildest dreams
Like cherry blossoms blooming in the mountain in the early spring
As we walked by the river and she softly took hold of my hand
That's when I fell deep in love with the girl made in Japan

In the dark of night we would lay on Tokyo Bay
And the singin of the birds woke us up at the break of day
Her smiling eyes always seemed to try to understand
All the love in my heart for the girl made in Japan

My transistor radio comes from far away
And when it's night over here over there it's a breakin' day
She cried when she said she'd been promised to another man
That's when I left my heart with the girl made in Japan
Yes my heart will always be with the girl made in Japan

台長: 流浪阿狗
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