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The Knickerbockers樂團1962年成立於美國紐澤西州,團名是取自家鄉附近的一條路名。初期的歌曲也是仿傚其他樂團像是The Four Seasons的風格。而1966的這首《Lies》,由歌曲喧鬧的曲風,再加上主唱Buddy Randell酷似John Lennon的嗓音,此曲被認為是想複製The Beatles。推出後果然成績甚佳,獲告示牌流行榜的第20名,也是The Knickerbockers最為知名的歌曲。

時至今日,對一些不知歌曲原唱出處的人,乍聽之下,還以為是披頭合唱團當年未及發行的歌曲哩!而作為披頭的山寨歌曲,雖然有像,但歌曲中還是少了披頭主奏吉他手George Harrison的那一味。

我當年聽的是香港合唱團Teddy Robin & The Playboys的版本,由我還存有的一張黑膠唱片,可以看出來這首歌當年是被譯為「洗濃專家」( 第二首 ),為何會翻成這樣?我真的也是丈二金剛,完全沒有概念。



Lies, lies
Your telling me that you'll be true
Lies, lies
That's all I get from you
Tears, tears
I shed a million tears for you
Tears, tears
And now you're loving someone new
Someday I'm gonna be happy
But I don't know when just now
Lies, breakin' my heart
You think that you're such a smart girl
And I'll believe what you say
But who do you think you are girl
To lead me on this way, hey
Lies, lies
I can't believe a word you say
Lies, lies
I'm gonna make you sad someday
Someday you're gonna be lonely
But you won't find me around
Lies, breakin' my heart
Someday I'm gonna be happy
But I don't know when just now
Lies, breakin' my heart
You think that you're such a smart girl
And I'll believe what you say
But who do you think you are girl
To lead me on this way, hey
Lies, lies
I can't believe a word you say
Lies, lies
I'm gonna make you sad someday
Someday you're gonna be lonely
But you won't find me around
Lies, breakin' my heart
Breakin' my heart
Breakin' my heart
Breakin' my heart

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(310) この世に二人だけ(Only The Two Of Us)
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(308)Hitchin' A Ride

2014-08-26 09:04:40
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