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老歌亂談(1044)Back in Your Arms Again

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The Mavericks樂團於1989成立於邁阿密,而直到1996才以一首《All You Ever Do Is Bring Me Down》獲得排行榜較佳之成績 ( No. 13 ),而奇妙的是,前一年的另首《Here Comes the Rain》,成績雖然只有第24名,卻同在96年替該團贏得了一座「最佳鄉村演唱團體」的葛萊美獎。

The Mavericks也和眾多的樂團一樣,無論是否紅了,一陣子之後就鬧分裂,2000年分手了一次,2003復合,卻即在2004又散夥,或許這次冷靜得夠久,再在2013合體迄今。

The Mavericks的歌曲多為偏拉丁風味的鄉村或搖滾,由於節奏輕快,直覺的感受都是歡愉的氣氛。此首《Back in Your Arms Again》為2013專輯《In Time》中另發行的單曲,雖未入榜,但還不錯聽。不過,由於唱歌的是男生,使得歌名的意思怪怪的 --- 要「重回你(女生)的懷抱」?就算要與女生重修舊好,中文似也無如此的說法,是中西文化的差異,還是台長我太大男人主義了?呵呵。

亂談(882) All You Ever Do Is Bring Me Down


Once I've said never want your love again
You showed up to night and proved me wrong
Things I said I'll never do since you and I were through
But here I am back in your arms again
I heard from someone that you were back in town
I knew I couldn't stay away
No matter how I try this love won't be denied
And here I am back in your arms again
Oooooooo, here I am back in your arms again
I should know better
Oh what does it matter to a love sick fool
I know I've said never but I know forever I'll come back to you
I'll keep coming back to you
I should know better
Oh what does it matter to a love sick fool
I know I said never but I know forever I'll come back to you
I'll keep coming back to you
Once I've said I never want your love again
You showed up to night and proved me wrong
Things I said I'll never do since you and I were through
But here I am back in your arms again
Ooooo, here I am back in your arms again
Eeeee, here I am back in your arms again
Ooooo, here I am back in your arms again
Eeeee, here I am back in your arms again
Ooooo, here I am back in your arms again

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1045)Stand By Your Man
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1043) ( You're the ) Devil in Disguise

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