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老歌亂談(862)Wild Night

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此曲為北愛爾蘭歌手Van Morrison自寫自唱,收錄在他第5張的專輯《Tupelo Honey》( 藍果樹蜂蜜?) 中,並為開場的曲目。同年(1971) 另發行單曲,在告示牌熱門100排行榜獲得第28名。


1994,美國歌手John Mellencamp和Meshell Ndegeocello翻唱此曲,在告示牌熱門100排行榜獲得第3名 ( 在「當代成人排行榜」則為冠軍 )。Meshell Ndegeocello在影音中的短髮造型及彈奏Bass,讓人難辨男女 ( 感覺有點偏向女生,沒錯,就是位女生。 )。說出來應該就不怎麼奇怪了,Ndegeocello是位雙性戀者,之前曾和女作家、女權主義者Rebecca Walker在一起。1989,不知和何人生了第一個兒子 ,幾年後結婚又再生了個兒子。

Rebecca Walker ( 母為非裔,父為白人。)

As you brush your shoes, stand before the mirror
And you comb your hair, grab your coat and hat
And you walk the streets trying to remember
All the wild nights breezes in your memory ever

And every thing looks so complete
When you're walking out on the streets
And the wind, it catches your feet
Sets you flying, crying

Ooh wee, a wild night, is calling, alright
Ooh wee, wild night, is calling

All the girls walk by, dressed up for each other
And the boys, do the boogie woogie
On the corner of the street
And the people passing by, stare in wild wonder
And inside the jukebox roars just like thunder

And every thing looks so complete
When you're walking out on the streets
And the wind, it catches your feet
Sets you flying, crying

Ooh ooh ooh wee, wild night, is calling, alright
Ooh ooh ooh wee, wild night, is calling, alright

Wild night, is calling
The wild night is calling
C'mon out and dance, c'mon out and make romance
C'mon out and dance, c'mon out make romance

Wild night, is calling
The wild night is calling
C'mon out and dance, c'mon out and make romance
C'mon out and dance, c'mon out make romance

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(863)These Arms of Mine
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(861)Fox on the Run

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