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老歌亂談(774)I Can't Stay Mad At You

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美國歌手Neil Sedaka除了唱歌、也是位鋼琴家,同時會寫曲及擔任唱片製作人。Sedaka在高中時曾和後來的流行音樂大才女Carole King ( 原名為Carol Klein ) 約會過,但顯然從情場敗下陣來 ( Carole King之後在17歲時 ( 1959 ) 因有了身孕而嫁給了Gerry Goffin ),此想必讓Sedaka感覺很受傷並耿耿於懷,也才會在1958寫出他的那首大暢銷曲《Oh!Carol》。由於歌曲挑明了在說Carol有負於他,這讓Carole King的老公Gerry Goffin很不爽,緊接著用《Oh!Carol》的旋律重新填詞,推出了回答歌《Oh!Neil》,可惜這首回答歌未受到歌友的重視,以商業角度來說是完全的不成功。

Carole King & Gerry Goffin

1960,Carole夫婦以所寫的一首《Will You Still Love Tommorow》一戰成名,但和Neil Sedaka的糾葛似未了結。此首1963的《I Can't Stay Mad At You》,由於曲風相似,很容易被聯想到Sedaka1962的熱門冠軍曲《Breaking Up Is Hard To Do》,至於是否是想互別苗頭或有其他用意就難以得知了。

此曲交由鄉村女歌手Skeeter Davis來錄唱,Skeeter Davis在稍早的1962才推出《The End of the World》( 也成為她最為知名的代表作招牌歌 ),此首《I Can't Stay Mad At You》的成績也不差,1963分獲流行榜及鄉村榜的第7、第14名,而卻也是她最後一首入榜前40名的歌曲。

亂談(259)Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

You can make me cry
You can break my heart
But I’ll never say we’re through
Even when I cry, I can’t stay mad at you

You can run around
You can tell me lies
But there’s nothing I can do
I’ll never say goodbye
Cause I can’t stay mad at you

I got mad at you last night
When you were holding another girl tight
But when I thought of all your charms
I bounced back in to your arms

One thing you’ll know for sure
I won’t be the one to fall in love with someone new
I’ll love you til I die
And I can’t stay mad at you

I bounced right back into your arms

One thing you’ll know for sure
I won’t be the one to fall in love with someone new
I’ll love you til I die
And I can’t stay mad at you

You got me where you want me

台長: 流浪阿狗
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