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老歌亂談(691)My Elusive Dreams

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1966,24歲的Tammy Wynette帶著三個女兒從阿拉巴馬州搬到田納西州的納許維爾,為的是想得到唱片公司的一紙合約,以圓她想成為鄉村歌星的夢想。就在接連地被接觸的唱片公司打槍後,到了唱片製作人Billy Sherrill處,其實Billy Sherrill原來根本沒有意願要簽她,而正好有一首《Apartment No. 9》還沒找到人唱,就讓Tammy Wynette來試唱,一唱之下,Sherrill當場就簽下了Wynette,千里馬終於遇到了伯樂。

Billy Sherrill & Tammy Wynette

《Apartment No. 9》是Tammy Wynette進入歌壇的第一首單曲,雖然歌、唱俱佳,可惜離擠進排行榜前40名還差了一些 ( No. 44 )。緊接著的一首《Your Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad》,則殺出了重圍,衝上了排行榜的第3名。第3首即是這首《My Elusive Dreams》,由Wynette和David Houston雙人合唱,在1967年10月拿下了鄉村榜的冠軍,也跨越進入熱門榜 ( No. 89 )。雖非個人的單曲,而確實是Tammy Wynette所獲得的第一首冠軍曲。

每個人應該都有夢想,但往往許多夢想都難以實現。歌曲中的這位太太,跟著先生至少待過6個州 :Texas, Utah, Alabama ( Birmingham), Tennessee ( Memphis, Nashville) Nebraska和Alaska,但都未追尋到他們的理想。在Memphis時太太還懷了個孩子,但隱喻在Alaska時過世 ( 離開時仍僅有兩人 ) 。最後,看來先生有意識到太太斷了念並厭倦了再跟隨他繼續前行打拼,先生的夢想應該就此消逝了。

I followed you to Texas
I followed you to Utah
We didn't find it there, so we moved on
I followed you to Alabama
Things looked good in Birmingham
We didn't find it there, so we moved on

I know you're tired of following
My elusive dreams and schemes
For they're only fleeting things
My elusive dreams

I had your child in Memphis
You heard of work in Nashville
We didn't find it there, so we moved on
To a small farm in Nebraska
To a gold mine in Alaska
We didn't find it there, so we moved on

And now we've left Alaska
Because there was no go-old mine
But this time, only two of us moves on
Now all we have is each other
And a little memory to cling to
And still you won't let me go on alone

台長: 流浪阿狗
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