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2017-01-04 15:52:33| 人氣3,050| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(663)Against The Wind

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Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band在1980發行了《Against The Wind》專輯,除了拿下專輯排行榜冠軍,也贏得了兩座葛萊美獎。此首專輯同名曲,在告示牌達到了第5名,為專輯中入榜名次最高的歌曲。

Bob Seger一直為歌曲中「Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then」這句歌詞有點困擾 ( 文法標點的問題?),但問他認識的人都說很喜歡,才將之列入。後此曲經多位歌手翻唱,也成為了熱門流行曲,證明了這句歌詞是可被接受的,才讓Seger釋懷。

Bob Seger與Eagles合唱團的Glenn Frey在年輕時就認識,Seger也曾參與Eagles《Heartache Tonight》的共同寫作,可見雙方的交情,這次Glenn Frey則參與了此曲的幕後合音,也果然在歌曲將結束的合音部份,流露出濃濃的Eagles曲風。

Segar - glenn

It seems like yesterday
But it was long ago
Janey was lovely she was the queen of my nights
There in the darkness with the radio playing low, and
And the secrets that we shared
The mountains that we moved
Caught like a wildfire out of control
'Til there was nothing left to burn and nothing left to prove
And I remember what she said to me
How she swore that it never would end
I remember how she held me oh-so-tight
Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then

Against the wind
We were runnin' against the wind
We were young and strong, we were runnin' against the wind

The years rolled slowly past
And I found myself alone
Surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends
I found myself further and further from my home, and I
Guess I lost my way
There were oh-so-many roads
I was living to run and running to live
Never worried about paying or even how much I owed
Moving eight miles a minute for months at a time
Breaking all of the rules that would bend
I began to find myself searching
Searching for shelter again and again

Against the wind
A little something against the wind
I found myself seeking shelter against the wind

Well those drifter's days are past me now
I've got so much more to think about
Deadlines and commitments
What to leave in, what to leave out

Against the wind
I'm still runnin' against the wind
I'm older now but still runnin' against the wind
Well I'm older now and still runnin'
Against the wind
Against the wind
Against the wind

Still runnin' (against the wind)
I'm still runnin' against the wind
(Against the wind) I'm still runnin'
(Against the wind)
I'm still runnin' against the wind
(Against the wind) still runnin'
(Against the wind)runnin' against the wind, runnin' against the wind
(Against the wind) see the young man run
(Against the wind) watch the young man run
(Against the wind) watch the young man runnin'
(Against the wind) he'll be runnin' against the wind
(Against the wind) let the cowboys ride
(Against the wind) aah
(Against the wind) let the cowboys ride
(Against the wind) they'll be ridin' against the wind
(Against the wind) against the wind
(Against the wind) ridin' against the wind...

台長: 流浪阿狗
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