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老歌亂談(653)I'll Take You There

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The Staple Singers是個家庭合唱團體,成立於1948年,早期在教堂唱靈魂福音歌曲,直到1952才和唱片公司簽約正式成為職業合唱團體。之後換了好幾家公司,而歌唱事業仍未有所起色。1968,簽入了Stax唱片公司,發行了兩張專輯,銷售情況依舊悽慘。此時,Stax的副總裁Al Bell決定自己跳出來擔任下一張專輯《Be Altitude: Respect Yourself》的製作人,此首《I'll Take You There》即包含在此專輯之中。

Al Bell

其實,這首《I'll Take You There》就是Al Bell所作。據Al Bell說,是在參加了他遭槍擊身亡的弟弟的葬禮之後,在父親家的後院,腦中就不斷浮現歌曲的旋律和歌詞,但此曲旋律其實是由牙買加一首演奏曲《The Liquidator》而來。由於Al Bell經常往返牙買加,也購得了引用該曲的版權。此首《I'll Take You There》於1972發行後,衝上了告示牌熱門榜的榜首,也是The Staple Singers的首支冠軍曲。

此曲的成功,除了主唱Mavis Staples的表現亮眼,另外還要歸功於幕後的錄音樂師團隊「Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section」,包含歌曲中的吉他、貝士、鼓及其他樂器等,均為該團隊樂手所為,爸爸Pops Staples也只能背著吉他作作樣子。

歌曲說的「I'll Take You There」,There指的是哪裡呢?應該只有是「天堂」吧!

Oh mmm I know a place
Ain't nobody cryin'
Ain't nobody worried
Ain't no smilin' faces
Mmm, no no
Lyin' to the races
Help me, come on, come on
Somebody, help me now (I'll take you there)
Help me, ya'all (I'll take you there)
Help me now (I'll take you there)
Oh! (I'll take you there)
Oh! Oh! Mercy! (I'll take you there)
Oh, let me take you there (I'll take you there)
Oh-oh! Let me take you there! (I'll take you there)
Play your, play your piano now
All right Ah do it do it
Come on now
Play on it, play on it
Daddy daddy daddy
Ooh, Lord
All right now
Baby, easy now
Now, come on, little lady
All right
Sock it, sock it
Ah, oh, oh!
I know a place, ya'all (I'll take you there)
Ain't nobody cryin' (I'll take you there)
Ain't nobody worried (I'll take you there)
No smilin' faces (I'll take you there)
Uh-uh (Lyin' to the races) (I'll take you there)
Oh, no Oh! (I'll take you there)
Oh oh oh! (I'll take you there)
Mercy now! (I'll take you there)
I'm callin' callin' callin' mercy (I'll take you there)
Mercy mercy! (I'll take you there)
Let me (I'll take you there)
Oh oh! I'll take you there (I'll take you there)

台長: 流浪阿狗
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