這首《Rock and Roll Music》是搖滾音樂的指標人物Chuck Berry,於1957自寫自唱發行的單曲,在告示牌節奏藍調排行榜達到了第6名,在熱門100排行榜則為第8。此曲曾廣被翻唱,也被公認是Chuck Berry最為流行及持續最久的作品。
披頭合唱團的John Lennon曾說過 --- 『If you tried to give rock and roll another name, you might call it 'Chuck Berry'.』可見他對Chuck Berry在搖滾樂上的推崇。The Beatles早年還在德國漢堡駐唱時,就常喜歡演唱這首歌。後來在1964出《Beatles for Sale》專輯時,也將此曲納入。相較於Chuck Berry唱歌時一貫的平調,John Lennon則是聲竭式的吶喊。許多人都認為The Beatles的翻唱版超越了Chuck Berry的原唱版。

The Beach Boys ( 海灘少年 ) 樂團於1976亦翻唱此曲,其特色是「Rock, roll, rockin' and roll」這一句的背後合音,成績居然不惡,在美國排行榜達到了第5名。1994的電影《Backbeat》( 台譯:披頭歲月),片名即是引用此首歌詞中的字 --- Just let me hear some of that rock'n'roll music - any old way you choose it - It's got a backbeat, you can't lose it...

Just let me hear some of that rock and roll music
Any old way you choose it
It's got a back beat, you can't lose it
Any old time you use it
It's gotta be rock and roll music
If you wanna dance with me
If you wanna dance with me
I've got no kick against modern jazz
Unless they try to play it too darn fast
And lose the beauty of the melody
Until they sound just like a symphony
That's why I go for that that rock and roll music
Any old way you choose it
It's got a back beat, you can't lose it
Any old time you use it
It's gotta be rock and roll music
If you wanna dance with me
If you wanna dance with me
I took my loved one over across the tracks
So she can hear my man awail a sax
I must admit they have a rocking band
Man, they were blowing like a hurricane
That's why I go for that that rock and roll music
Any old way you choose it
It's got a back beat, you can't lose it
Any old time you use it
It's gotta be rock and roll music
If you wanna dance with me
If you wanna dance with me
Way down South they had a jubilee
The jokey folks they had a jamboree
They're drinking home brew from a water cup
The folks dancing there are all shook up
And started playing that that rock and roll music
Any old time you use it
It's got a back beat, you can't lose it
Any old time you use it
It's gotta be rock and roll music
If you wanna dance with me
If you wanna dance with me
Don't care to hear them play a tango
And In The Mood they take a mambo
It's way to early for a congo
So keep a rocking that piano
That's why I go for that that rock and roll music
Any old time you use it
It's got a back beat, you can't lose it
Any old time you use it
Gotta be rock and roll music
If you wanna dance with me
If you wanna dance with me