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2015-07-19 15:02:59| 人氣2,967| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(466)All Right Now

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成立於1968的英國搖滾樂團Free,以感性的現場演唱著稱,且一直不停歇的作巡迴演出,而即便如此,早期的專輯唱片銷售量並不理想。某次,該團至杜倫 ( Durham ) 大學演出,現場的學生觀眾反應頗為冷淡。演畢在換衣間時貝士手Andy Fraser甚為感慨,想說或許是因為他們所唱的歌曲太過於「輕柔」了,在心情受到刺激之下忽然有了這首《All Right Now》的靈感,且很快的就和主唱Paul Rodgers將此曲寫成。

此曲收錄於Free樂團1970的專輯《Fire And Water》中,單曲分別獲得英國和美國排行榜的第2及第4名,唱片終於大賣。此曲也使得Free樂團有機會站上1970懷特島音樂節 ( Isle of Wight Festival ) 的舞台,在60萬的觀眾面前演唱。2006,此曲獲倫敦廣播音樂公司 ( BMI ) 頒發「播放百萬獎 ( 在美國的電台播放超過了300萬次 )」。這首歌當然也是Free樂團最為著名的招牌歌。

Free樂團於1973解散,滾石雜誌曾指該樂團為英國硬式搖滾的先驅。主唱Paul Rodgers也在該雜誌歷來100位最偉大的歌手中排名第55;主奏吉他手Paul Kossoff則在100最偉大吉他手中排名第51,可惜這位Kossoff老兄1976死於服用藥物過量,僅得年25歲。

Paul Kossoff

Whoa, whoa, whoa, ow!
There she stood in the middle of the street
Smiling from her head to her feet
I said hey what is this
Now baby maybe, maybe she's in need of a kiss
I said a hey what's your name baby
Maybe we can see things the same.
Now don't you wait or hesitate
Let's move before they raise the parking rate, ow!
All right now, baby it's-a all right now
All right now, baby it's-a all right now, ooo...
Let me tell you now
I took her home to my place
Watchin' every move on her face
She said look what's your game baby
Are you trying to put me in shame
I said slow, don't go so fast
Don't you think that love could last
She said love, lord above
Now you're tryin' to trick me in love, ay!
All right now, baby it's-a all right now
All right now, baby it's-a all right now.
Yeah it's all right now, ooo
(guitar solo)
Oh yeah ow!
Let me tell you all about it now, ow!
Took her home (yeah) to my place
Watching every move on her face
She said look, ah, what's your game
Are you trying to put me in shame
Baby I said slow, slow don't go so fast
Don't you think that love can last
She said love, lord above
Now he's trying to trick me in love, ah
All right now, baby it's-a all right now, yeah
All right now, baby it's-a all right now
All right now
Baby it's a all right yeah
All right now
Baby, baby, baby it's all right
All right now, ha
It's all right, it's all right, it's all right
All right now
Baby it's a all right now
We're so happy together, ow!
It's all right, it's all right, it's all right
Everything's all right, yeh

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(467)Baby I Love You(重編)

2015-07-19 17:37:16
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