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2013-12-20 19:07:03| 人氣2,901| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(208)Turn It On,Turn It Up,Turn Me Loose

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Heidi Hauge ( 海蒂豪格 ) 1957年生於挪威的Skien,是一位鄉村歌手。剛開始時只是和她的先生在一些舞場中唱歌,1999年,被唱片公司 ( Showtime Records ) 發掘,一年後發行了她的第一張專輯,在短時間內就賣出了20,000張,接著一共出了9張專輯,有幾張還得到了銷售的金唱片和白金唱片。

雖然Heidi Hauge的英文歌曲大都是翻唱自其他的鄉村歌手,但我覺得她選歌選得不錯,有許多首也是我喜歡的鄉村藍調風格,再加上伴奏的樂隊也很讚,無怪乎會受到如此多人的喜愛。

這首《Turn It On,Turn It Up,Turn Me Loose》是美國鄉村男歌手Dwight Yoakam於1990年發行的單曲,在排行榜獲得第11名。

看Heidi Hauge的現場影音,無論是皮膚或是體態,都覺得像是位媽媽歌星。一點都沒錯,她還真的是四個孩子的媽。



Well I'm back again for another night
Of trying to break free from this sadness that I can't lay to rest
This old honky-tonk sure does feel like home
And the music with the laughter seem to soothe my loneliness

Turn it on, turn it up, turn me loose
From the memory that's driving me lonely, crazy and blue
It helps me forget him, so the louder the better
Hey mister turn it on, turn it up, turn me loose

If a tear should fall if I should whisper his name
To some stranger I'm holdin' while we're dancin' to an old Buck Owens song
I know he won't mind he won't even know
he'll be dancing with a memory crying teardrops of his own

Turn it on, turn it up, turn me loose
From the memory that's driving me lonely, crazy and blue
It helps me forget her so the louder the better
Hey mister turn it on, turn it up, turn me loose

Turn it on, turn it up, turn me loose
From the memory that's driving me lonely, crazy and blue
It helps me forget her so the louder the better
Hey mister turn it on, turn it up, turn me loose.
Yeah, mister turn it on, turn it up, turn me loose

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(209) Fire
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(207)I Dreamed of You Last Night

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2013-12-24 17:22:30
Merry Christmas & Happy New Years!
2013-12-25 09:05:41

也祝Ho兄 新年快樂!
2013-12-26 08:50:59
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