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老歌亂談(108)These Boots Are Made For Walking

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你們知道什麼是「Go-Go Boots」嗎?哈哈,我也不是很清楚,這是六O年代中期才出現的名詞,看圖片,應該指的是女生穿的「及膝長統靴」吧。當然,也是因為《These Boots Are Made For Walking》這首歌而流行開來。


演唱這首歌的Nancy Sinatra(南希辛納屈)是外號「瘦皮猴」的歌星兼演員Frank Sinatra(法蘭克辛納屈)的女兒。法蘭克辛納屈在好萊塢可是一號人物,以他為主的「鼠黨」成員,曾拍過電影「十一羅漢」(近年重拍為「瞞天過海」)。他除了與甘迺迪總統是為好友,與黑手黨的關係也令人樂道。一般人咸信在電影「教父」中出現的乾兒子歌星的角色(Johny Fontane飾),即是來自於法蘭克辛納屈的黑道背景靈感,縱使他本人從未承認,甚至為此感到不悅與憤怒。


這首1966的冠軍歌曲也算是Nancy Sinatra的招牌歌,由於歌曲開始及段落前的貝司旋律頗有特色,很容易讓人產生印象,而且有人認為她唱這首歌時有散發出那種自然的撩人風格。大家覺得呢?哈哈哈!


法藍克父女合唱的《Something Stupid》也還不錯聽,就一併貼上了。


You keep saying you've got something for me.
something you call love, but confess.
You've been messin' where you shouldn't have been a messin'
and now someone else is gettin' all your best.

These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.

You keep lying, when you oughta be truthin'
and you keep losin' when you oughta not bet.
You keep samin' when you oughta be changin'.
Now what's right is right, but you ain't been right yet.

These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.

You keep playin' where you shouldn't be playin
and you keep thinkin' that you´ll never get burnt.
I just found me a brand new box of matches yeah
and what he know you ain't HAD time to learn.

These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.

Are you ready boots? Start walkin'!


台長: 流浪阿狗
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