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2012-12-24 15:14:21| 人氣5,616| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(十三)Before the next teardrop falls

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dolly parton





好了,我其實想說的是Dolly Parton(桃莉巴頓),之前我買過她的一張CD,但聽一聽就丟在那裡(歌不太對味)。後來逛YouTube,才發現此姝不簡單,在鄉村歌曲界有相當的地位,再查資料更是不得了,曾得過五座葛萊美獎及超過二十五首冠軍單曲的輝煌紀錄。而主要我覺得她的聲音非常「純淨」,唱起歌來的感覺和鄧麗君有些類似。


Before the next teardrop falls》絕對是一首經典的情歌老歌,而且我認為原唱Freddy Fender(佛萊迪凡德)已將歌曲詮釋的近乎完美,但再聽到Dolly Parton的版本,又是另一番的淋漓盡致,欲罷聽而不能。推薦大家一起來欣賞。



If she brings you happiness
Then I wish you both the best
It's your happiness that matters most of all
But if she ever breaks your heart
If the teardrops ever start
I'll be there before the next teardrop falls

Though it hurts to let you go
Darling I want you to know
I'll run to you if ever you should call
And if I should ever hear
That she's made you shed a tear
I'll be there before the next teardrop falls

I'll be there anytime you need me by your side
To dry away each teardrop you've cried
If she ever leaves you blue
Just remember I love you
And I'll be there
Before the next teardrop falls

Alli Estare Candor me necesites a tu lado
Para borrar cadda lagrima que haya llorado
If he ever leaves you blue
Just remember I love you
And I'll be there
Before the next teardrop falls

I'll be there, I'll be there
Before the next teardrop falls

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(十四)If you love me (let me know)
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(十二)My Baby Don't Care

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