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2018-12-29 15:30:24
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2009-06-09 17:34:35
2003-03-19 11:12:39

Hi, Recruiters!

Dear Miss./ Mr. Recruiters, Welcome to , my personal column. I said that you could know Steve Wang more from this website, yes, indeed! But there are too many articles to read at once. Here are ...

2003-03-19 11:09:19

My Codes (episode III)--- SW

親愛的SW:    很久沒有妳的消息了!不知道妳現在和男朋友相處得如何?從妳這麼久都沒打電話給我的狀況判斷起來,應該是持續幸福中,……。雖然這對妳來說是件好事,但是身為男人,尤其是愛過妳的男人,我心中的...

2003-03-18 19:39:21


最近, 偶爾想起學生時代的悠閒, 就覺得時間過得太快,... 以前享受自由的日子, 並沒有擔憂太多未來的事情; 現在, 我依然保有這份自由, 但卻沒有心情享受它, 因為年紀的增長讓我對過去保持著...

2003-03-15 15:14:27

James My Brother

James, my brother, is now serving his compulsory military service in Kaoshung. He hasn’t had any vacation for almost a month. What a crucial condition he is confronting! By the way, as he cannot go h...

2003-03-14 22:53:23

Total Resources Mkting Mgmt

The author of this book, Martin Wu, is Intel Corp.’s former China Marketing Director. He has more than 11years working experience in mainland China. Mr. Wu was the commander of Intel China’s marketi...

2003-03-14 07:38:40



2003-03-12 18:21:14


在「誠徵第30個人」刊登之後沒多久, Steve馬上收到一封來自讀者俱樂部最忠實觀眾之一的來信,說我好像一心想要更多人來這裡留言,都沒給老顧客們一些回饋,......,可見網際網路的速度與力量,真是不容小覷! 「...

2003-03-12 16:42:16


台長我今天心血來潮, 仔細品味了留言版一番, 把第一篇留言到第九十八篇都仔細看完一次, 總共花了一小時~~ 這一路走來所累積的心得, 很難言喻, 總歸一句話, 「我內心是充滿感動的!」 後來我算了一...

2003-03-11 16:45:03

My Codes (episode II)--- AH

Dear AH,    最近工作忙不忙呀?是否還像往常一樣,利用下班時間到Staples Center看LA Lakers的比賽呢?希望隨著Lakers今年戰績的扶搖直上,妳的心情能好一些---至少維持個五分鐘,看完我寫的信吧!    上次...

2003-03-11 09:29:17

Morris' Lecture on Org. Change

This Friday, I went to Morris Chang’s lecture. Morris Chang is Chairman and CEO of the world No.1 semiconductor manufacturing company--- Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd (TSMC). He has ...

2003-03-07 00:54:46


Who is Enya? I don't know yet, but I think she's a fan of from somewhere on earth. Her message on the board is a milestone of this column, because it represents there are not only acquaintances...

2003-03-04 13:23:32

My Codes (episode I)--- CL

親愛的CL:    展信愉快。想必收到我的信,讓妳感到非常驚訝吧?妳一定開始猜:你怎麼會有我家的地址?嘿嘿~別忘了我是名偵探「摳男」!    聽Z說妳即將要答應某位神秘男子的追求,無論我如何逼供,Z都不肯...

2003-03-03 19:23:13
2003-03-03 18:50:35


我愛妳! 妳一定不相信這句話我竟敢在這裡對妳說; 或者, 妳一定覺得我不是在對妳說,...。 從明天起, 我會告訴妳, 一些我從來沒對妳說過的話!

2003-03-03 05:53:21


Yesterday was my father’s birthday--- but he’s not been able to celebrate it with us anymore. Father passed away in 1998, when I was a junior in college. That was a big shock in my life, and it made...

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