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2018-12-29 15:30:24
2009-07-14 09:38:44
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2009-06-09 17:34:35
2003-01-13 02:16:57


上週六,和一群國中同學聚會,享受了一頓豐盛的大餐,也分享Jason出國留學的生活經驗與故事。吃完飯,大夥兒直奔KTV,歡樂開唱! 也許是真的太久沒去KTV了,尤其是跟這些「情同手足」的好兄弟姊妹們!一群人在剛開...

2003-01-11 08:53:18

A New Brand World

This book was written by Scott Bedbury, who ever worked in NIKE for seven years and then worked in Starbucks during 1995~1998 as the senior marketing vice director. He concluded how to achieve brand l...

2003-01-11 02:32:52

Hi, my angel!

Angel 曲:陶吉吉 詞:陶吉吉 & 娃娃 鏡子中 看見一張陌生的臉 那眼神如此黯淡 笑一笑 只牽動苦澀的嘴角 我的寂寞誰知道 像條船在海上飄 北斗星也看不到 誰能夠揚起了帆 遠遠離開這黑潮 Angel Angel 盼望你在我身...

2003-01-07 15:27:41

My Weapons (episode I)--- CNN Interactive

It may be the most dynamic tool for English learning except real human teachers. CNN Interactive English Magazine is my favorite tutor, because it is full of the latest information about politics, sci...

2003-01-07 13:25:28


親愛的美麗: 這一切, 錯不在妳, 錯在那些一連串的「錯誤」!

2003-01-07 00:26:15


Steve:「她不理我,我想死!」 Kobe:「你不能死!」 Steve:「是我自己亂搞一通,才變成現在這個局面的!」「我真的已經無法挽回了,我不想活了!」 Kobe:「你想死,那我也要跟你一起死!」 Mel:「Steve是我...

2003-01-06 23:41:55


愛妳, 讓我用理性的方式失去理智! 「這是哪門子的怪說法呀?」 「聽起來還滿屌的,......。」 「應該就是說太龜毛、太吹毛求疵了!」 「霧裡看花,越看越花!」 「@#$%︿&#@$,......」

2003-01-06 16:22:31

Will New Plate (Plan) Work?

Last month, McDonald’s Taiwan debuted its new products--- rice plates. The company announced that the new combos would bring more customers into McDonald’s. McDonald’s Taiwan, which was established...

2003-01-01 17:36:50


2003年的第一天,早上一起床就換上全套籃球服,前往台大籃球場展開2003年的第一場肉搏戰。和James多年的球場默契再次狂掃千軍,旗開得勝,這種感覺,為新的一年帶來一些好兆頭。套一句電影裡面女主角的話:「It’s a...

2003-01-01 17:34:55

My stuff (episode VIII)--- Buddha Pearls


2003-01-01 16:08:36

My stuff (episode VII)--- Wallet

Mr. Wallet manages the financial department and the administrative department in my company. I met him in Canada, 2000. I remembered that it was a cloudy day, and I just fooled around with the tour gr...

2003-01-01 01:49:51


2002年12月31日晚上11點59分, 我跟Jason在總統府廣場前與數以千對的情侶們共同倒數, 迎接2003年的來臨,......。 五~四~三~二~一 Happy New Year~~ 全場沸騰的氣氛, 讓寒冷的夜晚充滿溫馨的熱情, ...

2002-12-28 09:19:12

Goodbye, 2002!

Again, we are around the corner of a year’s end. Every time a year goes by, what make me think most are “ What I’ve learned? ” and “ Will I be satisfied with all these developments? ” Luckily, I...

2002-12-25 06:55:35
2002-12-24 21:08:32

My stuff (episode VI)--- Memory Stick

Memory Stick (MS) is a rookie in steve.com. Remember never to call her “Ms,” just call her “Miss.” In fact, her families just have come to this world for a few years. She is absolutely the younges...

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