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2003-04-30 06:57:24

My Bait Doesn’t Work!

I have some bait: basketball skills, nice tune, gorgeous humor, and fair mettle. Although I have patience, I still didn’t make her hooked. That is because she is the mermaid. Do all of my friends...

2003-04-29 13:13:47

精采預告--- My Machi

台長觀察到[steve in the well]最近一個嚴重的現象:男性觀眾留言比例極少!關於這一點,個人已經和[steve in the well]全體工作人員開過兩次會,很深入地檢討了一次,研究問題到底出在哪裡。 這項研究仍然繼續在...

2003-04-29 06:46:30

Saddam’s 66th Birthday (Copied News)

【steve’s viewpoint】 1.The US has made Saddam Hussein saddened on this day. 2.In some aspect, Taiwan media look like Iraq’s, kind of TOO love their political leaders/stars!! 3.中國人說「六六大順...

2003-04-28 11:33:53

【Book Biz】Leading Quietly

The book [Leading Quietly] is written by Joseph L. Badaracco, Jr. Mr. Badaracco is a professor of Harvard Business School. This book discusses some practical managerial methods, instead of teaching pe...

2003-04-27 06:19:43

【Life Biz】SARS Is Everywhere!

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) now is like the 21st century’s pestilence around the world, especially a deadly epidemic in Asia. It’s a very terrible course to be a witness of this kind of...

2003-04-22 15:35:55

My Codes (episode VIII)--- EH

Dear EH,  週末,我利用一些時間整理凌亂不堪的書桌抽屜,無意間找到一張以前妳在我宿舍門口拍的照片,動作與表情實在是天真可愛極了!這張珍貴美女圖,瞬間讓時光回到Steve小時候(所謂小時候就是昨天以前),……。...

2003-04-22 10:56:16


親愛的YL: 本來我想直接向妳表白,但是深怕因此破壞了我倆長久以來不錯的友誼,所以特別花一些冤枉錢上[steve in the well]請台長幫我廣告一下,希望妳有看到!! ------------------------------ 謝謝妳告訴...

2003-04-21 16:20:12

【News Biz】MJ Said Playing Days Over

NBA 2002~2003 regular season was finished. That means basketball “emperor” Michael Jordan, 40 years old, will retire from Washington Wizards. A lot of his fans are reluctant to face this day’s comi...

2003-04-21 16:13:04


【steve's viewpoint】 1.這位記者的標題下得不好,Jordan是昭告天下他要退休,並且藉此機會表達他對籃球 教練 球迷的感謝!「作廢」?記者的素質真是我哩勒~~ 2.歲月不饒人,雖然我很捨不得,但這一天終究還是...

2003-04-19 11:14:53


不知道昨天晚上有多少本台讀者守著廣播節目等著聽我「獻聲」?一覺醒來,昨晚在節目中的那些激情與熱鬧都走入回憶,……。    如果你是和我交情夠深的朋友,或許你能夠感受到我在節目中表現出的那個「自信的Stev...

2003-04-18 17:39:24



2003-04-16 15:09:29

Steve on Air

朋友們: Steve 即將上廣播節目和暢銷小說作家王文華先生對話,誠摯邀請您一起來聽聽看我會在這一小時LIVE節目中耍什麼寶! 時間(台灣時間):2003年4月18日(Fri.) 22:00 頻道:News98( FM98) 節目名稱:愛你...

2003-04-15 11:51:21



2003-04-15 11:48:46

My Codes (episode VII) --- AL

Dear AL,    這一次下決心不要再打電話給妳了!雖然這是一個痛苦的抉擇,但是,只有這麼做才能讓我們之間保持「純友誼」,或者說,才能讓我徹底死了這條心,結束這段Mission Impossible:Date Another Day!(不可...

2003-04-14 01:48:34

【Business Biz】Stan Shih’s Lecture on Change

Stan Shih, chairman of Acer Inc., is one of the most distinguished entrepreneurs in Taiwan. The company he founded in 1976 is now among the world's top ten branded PC vendors. Acer conducts marketing ...

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