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2003-02-26 12:08:44

精采預告--- My Codes

下週起,將隆重推出Steve最真情至性的新創作單元,「My Codes」(可以翻譯為「我的密碼情人」)。在「My Codes」中,我將「盡量」毫無保留地呈現個人對「Miss Code」的情感,無庸置疑地,這絕對是屬於限制級的新單元!...

2003-02-26 11:36:23

My Weapons (episode VIII)--- HBR

是My Weapons系列文章的最後一篇,可想而知它在我心目中的地位是多麼深具意義且重要。如果將前面幾篇文章所介紹的雜誌期刊比擬作刀、劍、槍、手榴彈等等真正的「武器」,那麼就是我的「火箭炮」,威力極其強大,無與...

2003-02-26 11:27:08

Hamburger’s Burning!

The world famous fast food chain store enterprise, McDonald’s, is now facing crucial tests from customers and, strangely but undeniably, from themselves. In the States, according to the survey...

2003-02-19 17:10:48


今天, 有一位家長幫學生送作業到學校, 寄放在警衛室裡。 那是一張電腦打字的讀書心得報告, 我隨手拿起來看了一下, 深深地為這個學生的作文能力感到默哀,... Why? 錯別字之多, 語句極不通順, 而...

2003-02-18 20:40:39

Happy Birthday, Michael!

Hi, Michael, Happy Birthday! Big 40, huh? How do you feel about that? I know how much you want to be always 30, but don’t be childish, that’s impossible!! You are always my hero, both on the co...

2003-02-18 18:57:23

My Weapons (episode VII)--- The Economist

Comparing with , is more concerned in world politics issues. It originated in London, so there are many words spelling in “pure” English way, such as “theatre” and “cinema.” At first, I often m...

2003-02-17 00:54:12


The author of is Rudolph W. Giuliani, who is a descendant of Italian immigrants. He was once a Federal Chief Procurator. In 1993, he was elected to be New York City mayor. During his 8-year term of o...

2003-02-14 08:14:38



2003-02-12 16:54:29

My Weapons (episode VI)--- TechVantage

has published for two more years. It is under Common Wealth Publishing Groups. I think it’s a sub-brand for , and it focuses on Information Technology Industry very clearly. If you ask me what...

2003-02-12 08:31:16



2003-02-11 19:47:00
2003-02-10 23:22:56

Another Poor Steve (Steve Case)

Steve Case is Chairman of AOL Time Warner Inc., whose industry-leading businesses include interactive services, cable systems, publishing, music, networks and filmed entertainment. Mr. Case leads the ...

2003-02-07 11:53:47

My Weapons (episode V)--- Business Week

is one of the tools that can help me build global vision. It provides me the latest international news in business and politics. Reading it, I can know what is the most noticeable event in the world a...

2003-02-06 19:36:03


今天下午到球場打籃球,人超級多,球場好擠,加上沒有認識的朋友在球場,所以一直在旁邊的籃框練習投籃。 不久,有幾個人一起和我練投,其中一個人,就是周杰倫!I am sure,就是他沒錯!這是我第一次如此近距離與...

2003-02-02 10:23:13


大年初二,是出嫁女兒回娘家的日子,也是已婚男人和岳父岳母見見面、聊聊天的「法定日期」,雖然沒有明文規定,但卻是個很有意義的「約定成俗」。 一大早,老婆和我已經整理好大包小包要帶回岳父家的禮物和行李,...

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