11月25 日是今年的感恩節Thanksgiving,台灣時間比美國快,所以昨晚寫的賀詞,大家在感恩節當天應該可以收到 (如果是網路使用者)!
這麼一來台灣的今天,11 / 26 就是赫赫有名的Black Friday! 想想去年的經驗嘴角還會"爆笑"呢!!
My dearest friends:
Though somewhat late, I wish that each one of you enjoy this holiday in harmonious atmosphere.
May each day be one filled with gratitude for all the blessings we receive.
“It is important to have a sufficiently elevated life-condition so that you will be able to calmly accept whatever happens in life, striving to put problems into proper perspective and solving them with a positive attitude. Happiness blossoms forth from such a strong and all-encompassing life-condition.”
May we also gain the wisdom and fortitude to win over every single obstacle and difficulty.
Thank you for your friendship!
I miss you all soooooo much
Dear Mei-Yen,
Just to let you know you were right on time! Thanksgiving is today:)) Thank you so much for your note. Wishing you all the best also. Thank you also for your words of wisdom. There is a similar verse in the Bible that says that “All things serve Him (God), for a higher and better purpose.” I am always learning that all that matters in the midst of things as they are (not necessarily as one would wish), is to please Him who permits these trials for good. It is a life long lesson, isn’t it?
All the best,

去年在 Indiana 經歷的Black Friday...