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2011-01-12 19:40:47| 人氣828| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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一些大牌明星如Lady GagaAlicia KeysJay SeanUsher 等都 「曾經」being DEAD,但粉絲們的捐款可以讓他們重生;一方面搶救偶像,一方面拯救愛滋病童。好厲害的手法!!


Starting December 1 - World AIDS Day - the world's most followed celebrity Tweeters are sacrificing their digital lives to help save millions of real lives affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa and India.


That means no more Twitter or Facebook updates from any of them. No more knowing where they are, what they had for dinner, or what interesting things are happening in their lives. From here on out, they're dead. Kaput. Finished.

But they don't have to die in vain. And they don't have to stay dead for long. Just watch their Last Tweet and Testaments, and buy their lives back.


Every single dollar helps Keep a Child Alive fight this terrible disease. And when $1,000,000 is reached, everyone will be back online and tweeting in no time.


You can even join the fight yourself by sacrificing your own digital life. If Khloe and Kim can live without Twitter for a few days, maybe you can too.

Together, with a little digital sacrifice on our parts, we can give millions of real people the care, love and hope they deserve. We can give them life - the one thing none of us can live without.


With your help we raised over $1,000,000 to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa and India. Your generous donations will help bring critical care and medicine to the millions affected by this horrible disease. But so many more still need help. Please continue to BUY LIFE – the one thing none of us can alive without.

台長: Constance M.Y.
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Take the easy way out
2011-01-15 10:04:47
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