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2010-08-07 15:17:38| 人氣497| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

轉載: 星座預測 (2007)

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我是個不太相信星座,命相,八字,或者whatever算命的人,不過今天在the Village Voice看到由Rob Brezsny 所寫的<Free Will Astrology> [其實已是11月14日的"老東西"了,這是個Daily Horoscope,也就是說,它是每日更新的,不過我不是要說他的"準確度",而是他的"行文方式" (或者該說"預言方式"?)],覺得跟台灣一般的星座預測風格相當不同喔
"I love it when you forget all your troubles and get lost in thoughts about your friends' problems. I love it when you place your entire focus on the heat steaming from your cup of coffee or on the sun reflecting on a puddle or on the mysterious expression gracing the face of a stranger. In fact, I love it whenever you prove how much you love being here on earth by taking your attention off yourself and giving it to everything else. The coming week will be a perfect time to specialize in this consummate art. "
""Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, it doesn't go away," wrote novelist Philip K. Dick. I urge you to apply that benchmark to your own experience in the coming week, Gemini. You can generate a lot of creative energy by figuring out what is objectively true about your circumstances and what is merely illusion propped up by misperceptions and misunderstandings." [有點像"一般哲學"....幾乎可以適用於任何人]
"Stories interest me more than beliefs. I'd rather hear you regale me with tales of your travels than listen to you recite your dogmas. Filmmaker Ken Burns agrees with me. He's worried about the increasing number of people who love theories more than stories. "We are experiencing the death of narrative," he told the San Francisco Chronicle. "We are all so opinionated that we don't actually submit to narrative anymore. That's the essence of YouTube: Abbreviate everything into a digestible capsule that then becomes the conventional wisdom, which belies the experience of art." Your assignment, Leo, is to help reverse this soul-damaging trend. Spout fewer opinions and tell more stories. Encourage others to do the same."
""Weirdness is humanity's way of overcoming the ever-increasing pressure to live nine-to-five lives," says Bob Rickard, founder of Fortean Times, a magazine that reports on anomalous events. "We need craziness, it's that simple." I second that emotion, Libra—especially for you right now. You don't realize how much juicy psychic material you've been repressing as a result of sticking to dry duty and routine. In order to recover lost secrets from your fertile depths, you're going to have to specialize for now in the mysterious, the curious, and the uncanny. It will help if you put yourself in situations that are outside your understanding."
"On September 13, 1759, a small contingent of British troops took less than an hour to rout a few thousand French troops in a battle near Quebec City. It was a turning point in the history of North America, leading to events that ensured English speakers would dominate the continent. I foresee a comparable pivot just ahead for you, Aquarius. Seemingly small events that last a short time will yield momentous consequences. To help guarantee that they unfold in your favor, be like the British troops were back then: well-prepared, highly disciplined, and very lucky."
作者不但引經句典,還有歷史故事,社會時事,可以說是以"寓言"的方式告訴他的讀者他們的"未來","說故事"不正是人們最易接受也最喜歡的"溝通方式"嗎?? Brezsny真是聰明  Open-mouthed


台長: Constance M.Y.
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全站分類: 星座命理(星座、命理、心理測驗) | 個人分類: 人間萬象 |
此分類下一篇:轉載: 有趣的 "藍白拖"研究 (2006)
此分類上一篇:有趣的早晨 (2005)

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