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2010-08-09 11:21:23| 人氣586| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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雖然是寫於2007年的文章, 不過這項 "運動"  仍是進行式; 出了國門更知道支持正統中文的重要, 在美國任教中文時學區雖然沒有硬性規定要教繁體還是簡體, 不過一般美國民眾會認為 "簡體比較簡單" , 這時候就必需使用一些 "比較法" , 讓他們看見正體之美.....有點悲哀的是, 現在台灣輸出的中文教師大多走接受台灣教育部甄選一途, 因為若是要自己接洽美方學校, 會有很大的困難 (發什麼簽證? 去哪一州?? 去華人一堆的地方競爭激烈, 去沒有華人的地方生活可能又遇瓶頸..... ), 於是才出現一堆人拿到了華語教學證照卻苦無出路的現象(到歐洲教學也沒有比較 "容易")......我的經驗告訴我, 中國大陸方面 "派出" 中文教師的行動非常積極, 而且甚至可以提供 "免費教師" (由中國大陸官方出資付薪水, 而非美國的學校), 這麼一來, 台灣老師變得更加弱勢.....另外一點, 究竟要如何讓外國人知道正體中文之美之重要, 還有很大的努力空間, 一般人, 尤其是到中國經商或短期留學的人, 一定選擇簡體字, 因為它就像個速成版, 除非真的對中國文化很有研究或興趣, 老實說要說服外國人學繁體中文真的需要很積極的努力.................  (于2010年)

{在美國時學生最喜歡要求我寫同一個字的繁簡體給他們看, 每次寫完繁體字, 他們都驚呼連連啊.} 




  **Please sign this petition on the website :
The Chinese language has many dialects spoken yet Mandarin has always been the official language.
In Mandarin, there are two present types of writings: Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters. Traditional Chinese has been the official form of writing for thousands of years. And from it, the Simplified form was born.
In recent decades, China's effort in trying to make Chinese easier for both her youth and foreigners resulted in this push of Simplified Chinese. However, at the same time, Traditional Chinese is still studied and widely recognized.
The purpose of Simplified Chinese was meant for an easier reading (with less characters) and less pen-strokes in writing characters. It is the attempt of making Chinese more phonetic rather than having many words pronounced the same.
The two forms of Chinese have always co-existed peacefully for many years. The importance of Traditional Chinese lies in the fact that each character represents a very specific meaning. This is of extreme importance because it allows the reader to understand a written word even without the word being in context.
Simplified Chinese, although convenient, fails to incorporate meaning into its characters. Many words of same phonetic sounds are replaced by a single character that possesses the same sound but lacks in meaning. The major downfall of Simplified Chinese is that it lacks meaning.
Currently, historical texts are in Traditional Chinese, (simply because one can read and understand based on the author's choice of words) however, if Traditional Chinese is to be replaced by Simplified Chinese, one would not be able to understand these texts/writings because words have lost their meanings, they simply represent a way of pronouncing the texts. As time progresses, this would result in the loss of history and culture.
UN's action to "unify" the Chinese characters and recognize ONLY Simplified Chinese will have devastating impact upon the Chinese language, culture, history. Internationally, Traditional Chinese would be forgotten and neglected, it would only be a matter of time before Traditional Chinese becomes the next "Latin". (the dead language) Along with this loss of language, would be a culture and history lost forever.
Although Simplified Chinese is an easier way to learn Chinese, but it should not be the only form of Chinese written language. It should be a convenience, not an absolute. By allowing it to become the "official" writing, the Chinese language would be in regression.
The above has been confirmed that the UN never used both Chinese forms. IN FACT, Traditional Chinese does not even exist in the UN anymore (except prior to early 1970's).
In truth, I am uncertain what will become of this petition. After all, it is a few decades late. Although, what saddens me, is the fact that Traditional Chinese has already lost its ground.
People signed this petition to fight against Traditional Chinese being abolished. YET, now that we know it's a fact, why should we not fight harder.
Some have claimed this to be a hoax. Others have supported and sent emails. I personally thank everyone of you who took time to come here regardless of your positions.
Mei-Yen 說:: 大家一起來支持繁體中文      繁體才是正統       
有人看過王羲之, 蘇東坡的書法寫簡體嗎??    賊就是賊 , 匪就是匪,  連文字也要偷   ....

台長: Constance M.Y.
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