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系列歌曲 (1/2)

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其實只是把當初刻碟上自己寫的簡介搬過來而已……這裡的歌曲適用於<事務所>系列, 但是最後的 似乎不算, 因為我在寫這篇的時候, 聽的幾乎都是西貝流士, 哈察都量, 拉赫曼尼諾夫, 俄語老歌, 以及歐亞游牧民族的音樂---現在想想, 當時我居然沒聽葛利格?

1. These Foolish Things (Jack Strachey , Holt Marvell)
演唱: Rod Steward, 專輯

You came, you saw, you conquered me.
When you did that to me,
I knew somehow it had to be

很多年前第一次聽這首歌, 就馬上喜歡上它了. 這種神魂顛倒的感覺, 這種從最微不足道的小事勾起思念的心情, 是傻氣, 但也可見愛得多深. 雖然歌詞細節不完全符合<紀事>的背景, 但我想像中這就是芬與愛愛的心情, 尤其是芬.

是哪些微不足道的小事呢, 比如, 遊樂場上五彩的鞦韆, 隔壁公寓傳來一陣丁冬的鋼琴聲, 點燃的落葉煙燻味兒, 汽船高亢的汽笛聲, 無人的車站裡午夜列車的低聲嘆息……

上面的歌詞巧妙引用凱撒的名言, 似乎更表達了兩人命定的感覺.

第一次聽到Rod Steward的版本, 我的反應是: 哇, 這小子也能唱啊. 編曲, 節奏, 他的唱法, 我都很中意.

2. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (Ted Koehler, Harold Arlen)
演唱及鋼琴: Blossom Dearie, , Verve唱片公司, the DIVA series

I should hate you
But I guess I love you
You’ve got me in between
The devil and the deep blue sea

呵呵, 這是自相矛盾的愛愛啊……搭配Blossom Dearie略微負氣使性子的唱腔, 真是太可愛了.

3. I Walk A Little Faster
演唱及鋼琴: Blossom Dearie, , Verve唱片公司, the DIVA series

Pretending that we’ll meet
Each time I turn a corner,
I walk a little faster.
Pretending life is sweet
‘Cause love’s around the corner,
I walk a little faster.

就像在<紀事>第三章後記裡說的, 這首歌給我一個非常明晰的, 孤單走在紐約街頭的愛愛形象: 帶點倔強, 抬高了頭, 略垂下雙眼, 從芬與伯爵夫人面前, 快步走開.

4. Kinder, heut abent da such ich mir was aus... (Friedrich Hollaender, Robert Liebmann)
演唱: Marlene Dietrich, 這個版本出自她的三張一套選集 (Myth And Legend), EMI/Electrola唱片公司

這是芬第一次在羅瑞安看到愛愛登場唱的歌. 歌名正是其中最有名的一句歌詞, 翻譯出來就是「今晚我要給自己找一個男人」! 難怪芬的大腦要跳電. 「einen richtigen Mann」是「一個合適的男人」, 有點像英文的Mr. Right, 但不只一個, 也許只是今晚合適而已.

多麼令人驚訝, 第三首與第四首代表的都是愛愛; 或者該說, 後者代表的是Heavenly Stranger. 其實我理想中愛愛唱的柔和得多. 畢竟, 帶幾分男子氣的Marlene Dietrich與柔美的愛愛是不一樣的; 而且Dietrich錄這個版本時已經五十九歲, 而愛愛大約二十六歲, 年齡差距也會造成不同的詮釋.

這是Dietrich的招牌歌, 出自她在1930年主演的電影, 英語版是. 她飾演一個柏林小酒館的歌女Lola Lola, 這一點也與Heavenly Stranger不同. 這裡選的是我手上最好的版本, 錄於1960年.

5. A Guy What Takes His Time (Ralph Rainger)
演唱: Marlene Dietrich, , Columbia唱片公司

A guy what takes his time
I’ll go for any time
I’m a fast movin’ boy but I’d like them slow
Got no use for fancy drivin’ while I see a guy arrivin’ in slow
I’d be satisfied, electrified to know a guy what takes his time.

咳咳, 這就是愛愛一雙美腿夾蹭著白狐披肩時唱的歌.

沒有, 我沒打錯字. 原唱者Mae West唱的就是a guy “what” takes his time, 涵義不言而喻, 不過Dietrich唱的時候改成了who. 而我把gal (girl)換成了愛愛唱的boy.

6. Dance Only With Me (Julie Styne, Betty Comden, Adolph Green)
演唱與鋼琴: Blossom Dearie, , Verve唱片公司, the DIVA series

Dance, dance, only with me,
Only with me near your heart
Dance, dance, cling close to me,
Nnever to part.

Love, love, love only me,
All of our days from now on
Dance only with me
Till all our sweet music is gone.

<紀事>第五章結束時, 芬看到愛愛與瑟蘭督伊共舞時的歌曲. 绝美. 可憐的金毛芬大概差點就心碎倒地不起了 (茶~~~).

7. The Man I Love (Ira Gershwin, George Gershwin)
演唱: Ella Fitzgerald, 在她的許多選集中都可找到

Someday he’ll come along, the man I love
And he’ll be big and strong, the man I love
And when he comes my way
I’ll do my best to make him stay

He’ll look at me and smile,
I’ll understand
And in a little while he’ll take my hand
And though it seems absurd
I know we both won’t say a word

寫雪天的愛愛, 芬, 瑟蘭督伊, 伯爵夫人, 我想到的是這首歌. 歌裡的憧憬有點像愛愛, 但更多是伯爵夫人, 也許是少女時期的她, 當她這一生還沒有開始的時候.

8. Good Morning Heartache (Ervin M. Drake, Dan Fisher, Irene Higginbotham)
演唱: Ella Fitzgerald

Good morning heartache
Here we go again
Good morning heartache
You’re the one
Who knows me well
Might as well get use to you hanging around
Good morning heartache
Sit down

寫<紀事> 第八章與第九章的芬, 我經常想到這首歌. 表面上沒事, 說不定還更常微笑, 心裡頭「got those Monday blues straight to Sunday blues」.

9. A Kiss To Build A Dream On (B. Kalmer, H.Rudy, O. Hammerstein II)
演唱: K. D. Lane, , Columbia唱片公司

Give me your lips for just a moment,
And my imagination will make that moment live
Give me what you alone can give,
A kiss to build a dream on.

我還能說什麼? 這根本是為芬與愛愛的初吻寫的歌! (Sasha自我感覺忒好ing) 別忘了他俩的初吻是在法國那次, 當時他俩都以為對方愛的不是自己. 這個節奏與旋律一直延續到第十三章.

這首老歌在電影也用過. 最有名的版本是Louis Armstrong, 但是K. D. Lang有女性的細膩.

台長: Sasha
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此分類下一篇: 系列歌曲 (2/2)

因為要給妖容做張刻碟,而且我自己原來的一張也沒了,所以今晚又把使用的CD都找出來。決定換掉原來的第七首「The Man I Love」,換上「Violets For Your Furs」,用的是Billie Holiday唱的版本。從前做第一版刻碟的時候沒翻出這首歌。



It was winter in Manhattan,
falling snow flakes filled the air,
The streets were covered with a film of ice,
But a little simple magic that I learned about somewhere,
Changed the weather all around, just within a thrice.
I bought you violets for your furs and it was spring for a while, remember?
I bought you violets for your furs and there was April in that December.
The snow drifted down and the flowers, and that is where it lay.
The snow looked like dew and the blossoms as on a summer day.
I bought you violets for your furs and there was blue in the wintry sky,
You pinned my violets to your furs and gave a lift to the crowds passing by,
You smiled at me so sweetly, since then one thought occurs,
That we fell in love completely, the day I bought you violets for your furs.
2007-03-15 00:12:06
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