Oliver 的English語文老師Mrs. Waterfall日前出了一個功課
她讓孩子們自由創作 寫一篇不超過300字的短篇故事
Oliver上周已經將草稿交給Mrs. Waterfall看
她給了些意見 以下是修正版:
* The Last Shot *
The bullet echoed silently in the night. The now lifeless body crumpled and fell to the floor, unmoving. For a while time froze, and no wind shifted as the killer walked slowly away and melded with the night. His name was Bane Culler.
This is London, 2021, when the world has collapsed and criminals are everywhere. Two organizations rule London at the moment. These are LPO (London Possession Organization) and UAO (Unending Apocalypse Organization). Violent, ruthless and striving to beat the other.
Bane was one of them, working with LPO. His last job was to assassinate a valuable UAO member. It was his career but he knew it was ending. He was getting older and his skills weren’t what they used to be. He would retire soon but in this deadly world, no one was safe. LPO would find him redundant. UAO would still find him a threat and hunt him to the ends of the earth. He had no friends, no family and no where to turn to. He knew it would happen soon. But it happened sooner than he could imagine.
He walked down empty streets, seeing the sights he had seen a thousand times before. As he walked something slipped into the streets. Without a sound he dived into an alley but not without taking a few shots at his pursuer. He missed, cursing himself for his old age. A few years back those bullets would have gone through his head, every last one of them. But now wasn’t time for reminiscing with old times. He dashed up the alley quickly and rounds whizzed across him, feeling their cases brushed his face. He took a sharp turn and he yelled in disbelief at the sight that lay before him, a dead end. He wasn’t going to give up now. He readied his gun one more time and waited. The second he saw the man’s face he fired off two rounds. Both hit their target and the man, shocked at the sheer speed of the shots, died with his mouth wide open.
The battle was finished. Bane looked up at the moon and it shone on his face. He was going to live. ”At least,for another day” he sighed.
後記: O少的作業發回來了 他老師只改了兩處 我就直接更改 不再當新文章PO上來了