(2008年四月攝於紐西蘭島嶼灣Paihia-Bay of Islands)
: Creating
: Write an original short story in the style of a particular author
O少選的作者是David Gilman 所寫的書是:The Devil’s Breath
因為這位作者好像才寫了一本書 歸類於Teenager Fiction
Almost all assassins do their job at night. But today one of them made an exception. His boots padded quietly in the lush, green fields belonging to his current target. Climbing up a grassy hill he saw the house that stood out like a sore thumb. In all of its crude beauty, this daunting, creaky old house based on a design made in the 1950’s was miraculously still standing.
He moved swiftly towards the house and peeked through a window to get a view inside. He saw his target, swaying slowly on his rocking chair. The assassin got out his new weapon from under his coat that he had been dying to try out. His new Circuit Disrupter. In theory, it should send out an invisible shockwave containing high voltage electricity which will short-circuit the victim’s neurological system, effectively overloading the body with voltage and die.
Already in position taking aim, he took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. Almost immediately the man in the chair started clutching his heart tightly and starting to make random spasms with his limbs. After a good spectacle of ten seconds, the man finally subsided and lay still. The assassin now jumped through the open window checked the unmoving body’s pulse. Nothing! The weapon worked and the mission was a success.
Searching around the house he found his wallet, a laptop, leftover pizza and the keys to his car. He grabbed what money he had, then driven out in the deceased’s Range Rover. Taking out his cell phone he called his employer. “Boss, mission completed.” From the other side of the phone a raspy, low voice answered. “Good work NG. Did you try out that little toy of yours? Never mind that, you need to track down your uncle.” “Yes, I know. I’ve already killed my brothers and my father.”
“Do it quickly.” With those words, his boss hung up and left Narrik Geseron to finish his work. He was recently employed by THO. THO is the most secretive, powerful and richest organization in the world. The first thing a recently employed member has to do is to kill all family ties, no matter how distant. This is a cruel yet necessary tactic as to make sure all members are merciless, unforgiving and have no remorse. So far Narrik was doing a good job. He took out his chart of his family tree and crossed out his father. He smiled and drove out to meet his uncle one last time.
瀑布女士給O少的評語是Gruesome(使人毛骨悚然) but good Merit.
所以O少拿到Merit 不過他自己有點不服氣 覺得應該拿到Excellence
不過我看後的感想是 如果O少的英文老師是位男士 可能就會給個E
但女士們可能就不會太欣賞這種風格 因為欠缺點文學氣質
好玩的是 O少班上有位女同學看了O少的作品後還嫌不夠血腥呢
看來真的每人品味 風格 筆觸皆不同
欣賞與否 就看能不能合老師脾胃囉!