: Analysing
: How is a good book like a mirror? List at least 5 ways.
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What do mirrors do? Reflect? Do you think they have any way that they can be like a good book? There are and I will list 5 of these ways.
One way they can be alike is through situations. By reading a good book, you would find situations where you might have been in or several occasions you have never experienced. This shows reflection. Since a mirror’s main characteristic is reflection, this is a similarity. The “Young Bond” series is an example of this.
The second way is imagination. After you read a good book you might wonder if you can be like the fictional character you just read about. This closely resembles a mirror because when looking at a mirror you imagine what you want to be while looking at yourself.
The third way is that a mirror is more than meets the eye. This is similar to the saying “Never judge a book by its cover.” It means that something isn’t as it appears. For example, a mirror only shows the outside of an object, not the inside or what is behind it so you can’t have all the information with a mirror. Like a good book, a sentence the first time you read it may have no effect now, but might have after you continue on into more of the story. A great example is the “Sherlock Holmes” series which has many clues but usually doesn’t make sense until later.
An additional way would be that it reflects other people’s perspectives such as their religion or philosophy. With good books, the author can show what they believe through the language he/she uses. A good book influences people in many ways and shows the views of the author such as “The Lord of the Rings” series which shows J.R.R. Tolkien’s philosophy. This is like a mirror because it reflects one thing (person’s ideas) to another (the reader).
One last way is learning. With good books you learn facts and the truth on some subjects such as the Horrible Histories, Horrible Science etc. Some books use a lighter side of the truth to get the reader’s attention and teach them various facts. You can learn using the mirror by seeing things you normally can’t, like your face or what’s behind you.
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