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Sweet Sixteen

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16歲,在我們中國人眼裡,還是個半大不小的孩子。但在紐西蘭可就不一樣囉!根據紐西蘭公民諮詢局(Citizens Advice Bureau)提供的資訊,年滿16歲,可享有的法定權利如下: 


 不經父母允許就可離家。但未滿17歲前,如果家庭和兒童、青少年組織認為有危險,該機構有權送你回家。(You can leave home without your parents’ consent – but until you’re 17, Child,Youth and Family can send you home if they think are “at risk”)

 經父母同意,或是經法院判決定(父母拒絕同意的情況下),你可以結婚或是民事結合(通常指同性婚姻)。(You can get married or enter into a civil union with your parents’ consent- or with the Court’s consent if your parents refuse consent.)

 如果父母分居,你可以決定和誰住及何時探望另一方。(If your parents have split up, you can usually decide which one you want to live with and whether you want to visit the other one.)

 未經你個人同意,不能做任何醫學檢查和治療牙疾。(You can’t be made to undergo medical or dental treatment without your consent.)

 未經你個人同意,不能治療任何精神疾病,除非你必須接受強制治療。(You can’t be made to undergo treatment for mental disorder without your consent, unless you are under a compulsory treatment order.)

 你可以刺青。雖然很多刺青業者會要求未滿18歲者先獲得父母同意。(You can have a tattoo – although many tattooists will ask you to get your parents’ consent if you are under 18.)

 你可以離開學校。從六歲至十六歲為國民義務教育。(You can leave school - from age 6 to 16 school is compulsory.)

 學校可以開除你。未滿十六歲前,學校只能拒絕你上學,且校長必須努力為你找另一所學校就讀。(You can be expelled from school – until 16 you can only be “excluded” from school and the principal must try to find you another school.)

 你可以開始全職工作-適用青年最低工資。(You can start full-time work – minimum youth rates apply.)

 若父母無法撫養你,你也許有權申請未獨立青年補助。(You might be entitled to the independent Youth Benefit if your parents can’t support you.)

 若符合資格,你可以申請傷病補助。(You can claim an Invalid’s Benefit if you’re eligible.)

 你可以取得輕武器執照。(You can get a firearms licence.)

 法律上,你可有性行為。(You can legally consent to sexual intercourse)

 未經你同意,你父母不能正式更改你的姓名。(Your parents can’t formally change your name without your consent.)


其中幾項,讓我看得膽戰心驚。光是想到就覺得很可怕。不過O少天性懶散、少根筋,家裡又那麼舒服,我想他還沒那麼笨到想離家。至少光是沒人煮飯、洗衣服,就夠他受的了。Sweet Sixteen用在他身上,可能不合適,畢竟他是個粗枝大葉的傻小子。我只希望他平平安安、快快樂樂、按部就班地完成中學課業(當然還是希望成績別太差),順利進入心目中理想大學(他說他的目標是奧克蘭大學Univ of Auckland)就讀,早日找到未來努力的方向和人生目標。其他的,一時間就想不了那麼多啦。 



台長: 胖劉媽
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