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2010-02-12 01:27:15
2003-06-26 04:05:28

Last Week

I know I look pale, Because I am heavily ill; I know I treat you evil, Because my mood is in hell; I know I am alone again, Because I today don’t have classes any more; I know I am mela...

2003-06-24 03:49:39


我永遠記得在我第一次上開玩笑老杯杯的課—西洋文學概論(簡稱西概)後﹐我很認真的問過自己﹐「這就是當初我打破頭也要唸的英文系?」 那是一堂在大一禮拜二早上八點十分的不知所云。 在進大學以前﹐我知道英文系...

2003-06-23 04:49:04


Oh! Carol Oh! Carol, I am but a fool Darling I love you tho’ you treat me cruel You hurt me and you made me cry But if you leave me I will surely die Darling there will never be another Cause...

2003-06-21 06:33:17

I am leaving

I am leaving, I said to myself in the train on the way to my home. I am leaving, I said to my friend through the phone but he didn’t pick it up. I am leaving, I said to you againg, please ...

2003-06-21 01:57:54


One Art The art of losing isn’t hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster. Lose something everyday. Accept the fluster of lost doo...

2003-06-19 04:39:03

願他人與我一樣珍惜之I’ve ever loved you

愛過你 愛過你; 也許, 愛火 在我心裡未完全殞熄; 但它不願惹妳憂傷。 絕望無言地愛妳, 有時羞澀,有時妒嫉。 懇切溫存地愛妳, 願他人與我一樣珍惜。 普希金 這是我上大學後第一首開始喜歡的詩。 可...

2003-06-18 19:14:12

How do we fall in love with someone

我們是怎樣愛上一個人的 欣賞一個人 並不一定會有刻骨銘心的動情 愛一個人 也不一定欣賞他所有的優點 愛一個人 往往是不知道為什麼 就愛了 我們是怎樣愛上一個人的

2003-06-18 18:55:06

I think both of us have the same depression

我想我們有一樣的depression 妳在格林威治東西經的起點有小小的depression 我在南迴之北有一股莫名的depression 我想我們有一樣的depression

2003-06-18 18:49:54


失去了你 失去了生活的重心 失去重心的生活 失去了理所當然 失去了理所當然 實在讓人發狂 讓人發狂的日子 不至於到失控的地步 不至於到蝕心的程度 只是每一秒都膽戰心驚,戰戰兢兢 心驚膽戰讓人難耐...

2003-06-18 18:45:09

The truth you told was a lie to me

你說的實話,聽在我耳中的謊言 我說的為什麼沒人相信;你說. 看你那麼努力說實話, 你卻不知道我知道我們都心知肚明那是謊言;我想. 你何苦費神讓我相信是謊言的實話? 在你的世界說出的真實的話語, 在我的世界是...

2003-06-18 14:42:31


“What is it, Angel?” she said starting up. “Have they come for me?” “Yes, dearest,” he said. “They have come.” “It is as it should be!” she murmured. “Angel---I am almost glad---yes, g...

2003-06-12 23:37:59

seven days

seven days in a week, in a week, make me desperately think of you, if simply seven days make me so desperate, what if counless seven days come and follow? i told myself not anymore, not anymor...

2003-06-12 20:03:17


T. S. Eliot From Four Quartets Burnt Norton I Time persent and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future containted in time past. If all time is unredeemable, What...

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