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2010-02-12 01:27:15
2003-07-21 22:58:15


【偶作寄朗之】 白居易 歷想為官日,無如刺史時。 歡娛接賓客,飽暖及妻兒。 自到東都後,安閒更得宜。 分司勝刺史,致仕勝分司。 何況園林下,欣然得朗之。 仰名同舊識,為樂即新知。 有雪...

2003-07-21 17:58:12

轉Po 惟不忘相思˙之二

相 思 作者/葉傾城 在我出世的時候,祖父當然已經老了,我生命中的祖父,不過是一個喜歡打麻將、練太極、澆花釣魚、愛提當年勇的普通老人。 而我也沒有想過,會在十八歲的一個夏夜,與祖父的少年時光劈面相...

2003-07-20 17:14:47

轉Po 惟不忘相思˙之一

By Anonymous 人之嘴饞的時候是在想吃一樣東西而又不可得的那段期間。感情的事也是如此。 在朋友眼中的他,對於自己付出的感情,就像希臘神話中的譚塔勒斯,在水深及顎而不得飲,果實當前而不得食,對感情...

2003-07-19 18:51:24

Thousand Days of Wilderness

“Let a young heart be drunk with the light fragrance of water lily.” We were quite young at that time, yes, we were so young but ain’t undeveloped and, well, we were a bunch of wild children, ye...

2003-07-18 17:54:06


#341 After great pain, a formal feeling comes— The Nevers sit ceremous, like Tombs— The stiff Hear questions was it He, that bore, And Yesterday, or Centures before? The Feet, mechanical, g...

2003-07-18 04:15:24


手札上記著︰ 「走進這樣的感情循環﹐不怕你走不出來﹐只怕妳身在其中還以為自己從來沒有踏進去過……。」 我早已忘了那是自己的隨筆還是從哪兒摘錄下來﹐ 因為關於感情﹐ 我從來就只是個什麼都打死不承認的『...

2003-07-17 19:58:48

When will love come

Some find Love late, some find him soon, Some with the rose in May, Some with the nightingale in June, And some when syies are gray; Love comes to some with smiling eyes, And comes with tears to ...

2003-07-17 13:45:49

轉Po 他在春天那一邊

‧roni #他在春天那一邊,妳的秋天剛落葉# (註:蔡健雅---紀念) 想念是一種習慣,可以培養,也可以戒掉。 剛開始的時候,一天想念他100次,然後過了一段時間,每天減少一些次數,又過一些年,你發現你...

2003-07-17 13:25:36


文/roni  「因為他的身材已經開始發胖而親吻妳的時候舌頭一吐一吐真他媽的活脫脫是隻蜥蜴。」      Meggie 笑到下巴的舊傷隱隱作痛,隔壁的Macallan 男人抖動的肩膀好像忍住笑出聲。  「那Panadol先...

2003-07-16 07:14:59

Why do I feel so sad

Friends we’ve been for so long Now ture colors are showinng Makes me wanna cry, oh yes it does Cuz I had to day goodbye By now I should know That in time things would change So it shouldn’t ...

2003-07-16 06:53:10

Something Called Friendship

“Love And Friendship” Love is like the wild rose-briar, Friendship like the holly-tree— The holly is darkwhen the rose-briar blooms But which will bloom most constantly? The wild rose-bria...

2003-07-15 20:32:50

轉Po 五年級女生到底要什麼(上)

文/roni  Meggie在離婚五週年的前夕告訴我:「當他的女朋友比當老婆好。」            她舉起手腕上Chanel 手錶微笑著,是上個月的生日禮物;「而且,他現在跟我去法國餐廳吃飯,也不會罵我奢侈浪...

2003-07-13 05:55:43

“A Mood╴Hollow”

某一個人﹐也可以是我的一種心情。 Somebody could also be my mood. 靠電話聯繫相隔三百多公里的兩個人﹐空洞是此時唯一心情。 Two people are apart in a distance of more than three hundred kilometers an...

2003-07-12 03:49:22

“Wonderlful Tonight”

Wonderlful Tonight It’s late in the evening She’s wondering what clothes to wear She puts on her make up And brushes her long blonde hair And then she asks me Do I look alright And I say ...

2003-07-10 13:54:48

“A Mood╴Bitter”

這本子寫得滿滿的全是暗戀。 既是暗戀﹐就別把它想得太好﹐期望太多﹔ 沒有酸酸甜甜﹐沒有砰然心動﹐ 沒有讓人紅酡了麗顏的愛﹐ 更沒有讓人擰疼了心窩的情。 有的﹐只是濃濃的苦。

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