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2010-02-12 01:27:15
2014-02-16 19:01:23

Hello, where you now?

Hello, where are you now?It's been more than four years, would you come back?I still cannot write down a single word on paper.Tell me what I'm supposed to do without you, passion?I do not know what's ...

2014-02-16 19:00:00

Hello, where are you now?

Hello, where are you now? It's been more than 4 years, can you come back?I still cannot write down a single word on paper,Tell me what I am supposed to do without you, passion?Got no passion to know w...

2012-02-08 02:52:56



2010-06-12 16:38:11



2010-06-06 15:28:03


Absinthe (ab-sinth) is historically described as a distilled, highly alcoholic (45–74% ABV) beverage.[1][2][3][4] It is an anise-flavoured spirit derived from herbs, including the flowers and leaves ...

2010-06-06 14:53:32

Esselunga 100% Arabica

Da tre secoli, il caffè è un piacevole rito quotidiano che regala gusto ed energia alle nostre giornate. La fragranza e il sapore di questa bevanda sono frutto di cure particolari che vanno dalla co...

2010-06-05 23:14:01

10 mutual friends

Suggestions:"you have 10 mutual friends, please add him to the list."

2010-05-07 05:26:04

jar II

It’s just a jar filled with what?I don’t know what should be filled in, no, I don’t.Maybe the part missed a long time ago.How can the missing part fill it when it’s missing?It’s supposed to be a ...

2010-04-07 15:32:06



2010-04-04 23:52:24



2010-03-12 23:03:16



2010-03-07 20:52:25

Lorraine is not just in the woods.

Lorraine is not just in the woods.She is in the houses or the apartments and on the streets, in the cities, the lands, the notions and sometimes on the streams, rivers or maybe the oceans. Only mostly...

2010-03-01 23:23:11



2010-02-12 01:27:15



2010-02-03 16:32:35


《般若波羅密多心經》【原文】觀自在菩薩 行深般若波羅密多時 照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄舍利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色 受想行識 亦復如是舍利子 是諸法空相 不生不滅 不垢不淨 不增不減 是故空中無色 ...

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