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2010-02-12 01:27:15
2009-08-05 18:39:16

resolution II

         it's too late for 2009, too early for 2010; but, i need it right here right now.          I’ve been spending too much money and uncountable time and concentration on my mom....

2009-08-03 16:43:08


給 "妳",有時候緣分已盡,就不要再強求。就算從此後是陌生人,連朋友都不是,只能說是命定,也要接收,只能接受。不要再打擾, 不要再起漣漪,不要再有最後一眼,不要在彼此的生活中出現蛛絲馬跡; 諸事皆有因有果,懂得放下最...

2009-07-31 00:21:14

resolution I

         it's too late for 2009, too early for 2010; but, i need it right here right now.          I’ve been spending too much money and uncountable time and concentration on my mom....

2009-07-20 14:00:52


i thought my life was screwed a bit just not long ago.yet, it’s kinda kept me from a HUGE MISTAKE as well~~ thank god!  photo fr: http://secretzen.com/why-does-distance/#comment-13303 

2009-07-20 00:05:06

Fall, 2010, places to travel in Mediterranean.

Centro, Firenze - 12.jpg   Life is always like that.      Thus, I think I can make a WHOLE BRIGHT NEW plan that I decide to go to Mediterranean next year, probably in fall.  Roma & Firenze defi...

2009-07-05 20:56:08


《朗朗》       其實我也不知道我們到底算不算是所謂的『青梅竹馬』;雖然我們認識的時候他十歲我九歲,但接下來的二十二年其中到國三為止,只同班國小高年級兩年,和國中三年的補習班歲月,一週兩天,一天兩小...

2009-07-03 17:31:34



2009-06-05 04:07:43


現在,我只是想要你陪我一日。 在老街逛逛,看看風景,嘗嘗小吃,路上可以說說笑笑,晴空萬里; 但有一日就會想要再一日、一月、一年、一輩子。 而我們不會有一輩子。

2009-05-29 16:40:42


Day 3 • Sat. 2009/05/30 Ⅰ Records Breakfast: 果然是省了 Lunch: 一碗乾米粉(蔴醬、小白菜、肉燥)/¼片蔥油餅/5塊豬腳(約2.5㎝³)/        5筷子掛菜/ Dinner: 粽子一顆/辣香腸兩條/玉米勿仔魚湯一中...

2009-05-29 15:57:42


《序》 酪梨壽司小姐說的沒錯, 既然要減重,就不適合太低調, (志同道合有興趣者,請見 http://www.cwyuni.tw/blog/post/16953925 。) 不然到最後計畫就這樣被毀屍滅跡也不會有人知道,  實在沒什麼建設性。 ...

2009-05-27 19:43:13

5 min sorrow˙五分鐘的悲傷

Unbelievable that only 5 minutes sorrow after everything is so clear. As the matter of fact, it's not really sorrow. Good, not so stressed anymore.  

2009-05-19 20:52:07

≪dear eric≫

Dear Eric,   Hope you’re not too busy to even read this message. A responsible man won’t say: “I’ll call you back.” but NEVER call back. If you have enough sincerity or any slight intent to...

2009-05-02 23:48:57


decent, how to not be?

2009-05-02 23:26:36

“Stop-loss point”

"Stop-loss Point", quite direct, simple & easy-understood. ("Stoploss Point" is fine as well.) I've been doing things like this, but I don't really know how to describ the way I'm doing it. Stop wi...

2009-04-28 00:25:00


i'm waiting, for someone never comes; i'm waiting, for so long; i'm waiting on 'n on, give up once in a while; i'm waiting, every now 'n then, and every when-so-ever in between. i've been wa...

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