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2010-02-12 01:27:15
2009-12-28 12:41:50

life like that

yes, i miss you so much.still like hell.and live with it. live with it in a life without you.

2009-12-27 23:48:59

Eve before eve.

they celebrate on the eves.what about the eve before eve?don't you fell so then?i do.

2009-12-27 23:42:54

Ah Ha, birthday?

ain't know what to say.is it a happy day? will it be a happy day?

2009-12-25 22:07:19

Last Xmas? Next Xmas!

Last Xmas, I gave you my heart......Next Xmas, where will be your heart?

2009-12-25 21:58:19

Xmas, my Index Finger

Never knew it'd became such a difficult situationWHEN your Index Finger gets hurt!On this day, frustrats people.

2009-12-25 21:56:04

Xmas Eve, my thumb

strangely,it was hurt.somehow.yet, i do not know.

2009-12-23 14:40:21


Behold! 看啊!The number is great, greater than I ever imaged. 這數兒真是大,大到我無以想像。Over a thousand!! 超過一個千啊!!Never happened, you know. 前所未有的,你知道。How did it happen? By whom? An...

2009-11-27 04:39:46

US Doller

I have some money anout 112 USD.And, dues to have this amont of USD I realize something.Sad to say so, but, it's more than real.Thank God, finally.Meanwhile, putting some USD bills in my purse is kind...

2009-11-26 18:14:23


奇怪了,是不識國字還是腦子壞了??就說不要再讓我看見妳了,是聽不懂喔??妳以為這樣"依依不捨"能改變什麼嗎??那今天來點英文好了,FUCK OFF!!!!!這樣該懂了吧???再不懂,我建議妳去看一下腦科或眼科什麼的;很抱歉,我沒認...

2009-11-25 17:08:26

20091124tue˙afternoon I

Life sucks, MINE.Never been so lousy, NEVER!!!Out of work for quite some time; fall out of love all the time; run out of money EVERYDAY! And, last, I’m just so out of order of EVERYTHINH!! My favorit...

2009-11-25 01:15:45

200911241321˙afternoon II

《午後˙時陰時晴》傍晚上課前,我人在民權東路三段跟龍江路的榮星花園;這是我第一次走進去。但妳知道我為什麼要跟說妳這個嗎? (像我去大安森林公園就不會跟妳提了。)因為那是妳爸媽出外景拍結婚照的地方。我試著在...

2009-11-20 04:44:07



2009-11-18 16:40:25
2009-11-18 16:35:34


≪錯過≫ 停在紅燈前的時候,無非也是個發呆的好時光。 空氣清冷,她抬頭望了一下秒數,還有44秒。仰起頭,深深吸入一口氣,嘆氣。 “fuck.” 還有想要再蹦出同一個英文單字的衝動,在等著對的節奏。 “fuck.” “fu...

2009-11-18 04:25:55



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