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2010-02-12 01:27:15
2007-07-22 20:42:49


就在前天, 發生一件頗不如意的事, 千頭萬緒不知從何說起, 會消失ㄧ陣子, 或短或長, 請默默支持我吧~~~ 我的朋友~~~ 為我加油, 是我知道我因為有你們這群朋友而感到最幸福的事了~~~ שְׁמוּאֵל...

2007-07-19 12:26:41

two decades

it was last weekend. lasted till this monday. throwing away, torn apart and wiped out memory of two decates was not that difficult as i imaged. really. it’s rare that moving from one plac...

2007-07-10 16:04:25

Dienstag, 10th Juli, 2007

Dear Rode, You know where I live and work now, and you know why I pick this rode to ride to work. How come I could meet the one I never expect in the apartment neighborhood instead of meeting the ...

2007-07-07 11:57:15

southern guys

lately, i’ve been asking myself same question, “why would i be so obsessed with certain kind of guys?” as the matter of fact, it’s still a mystery. yet, i wept for my own obsession from time to ...

2007-07-04 13:12:45


as title, this picture makes me think of

2007-06-29 12:37:42

FWD: 10 ways to ruin a first date

“10 ways to ruin a first date” By Kathryn Lord Special to Yahoo! Personals Updated: Jun 28, 2007 1. Don’t look like your picture. Post an old picture from when you were thinner or had...

2007-06-28 11:03:48

guys, 1978

James Franco Born: Palo Alto, California on 4/19/1978Josh Hartnett Born: St Paul, Minnesota on 7/21/1978Ashton Kutcher Born: Cedar Rapids, Iowa on 2/7/1978still him, now you know which one is my f...

2007-06-22 07:18:48


也許就快不了 但是我只是還有那麼一點的傷心

2007-06-16 16:53:38

"illusion serial"

Saturday, April 21st, 2007 首先,就是幻聽了, 一直一直覺得他的聲音在我耳邊重複呢喃低語, 很溫柔的聲音, 很貼心的語調, 從沒有一絲不耐。 只有曾經唱出的旋律。 再來則是一再的只看見想看的; 不自覺地...

2007-06-13 13:34:59

still feel the same?

歡迎加入X航這個『努力還貸款俱樂部』 期限 : 20 年 代價 : 健康 , 婚姻 和 親友 處方:有好的藥 , 別問了要互相介紹喔~~ 

2007-06-12 13:25:25

轉PO 鄭成功幹嘛要打敗荷蘭人

from: http://news20.portal20.com.tw/story.html?fun=main&nid=20070529224757556977 1週6日14時43分前發表,瀏覽數:5994 送禮一定附發票, 不是要讓你知道花多少錢, 是讓你不滿意可以去更換,或方便維修 ...

2007-06-10 15:58:44

heart-breaking SOP

when u broke up with someone, there is a heart-breaking SOP. it was not absolute a break-up, but my heart did break into pieces, in January. afterwards,

2007-06-07 17:46:06
2007-06-06 13:13:33

rainy day

下雨天 期待的下雨天真是令人開心 要是現在可以上山 那就更好了

2007-06-06 00:12:53


我很想你 在這樣一個夜 一股沒來由的思念 狠狠的襲上我心 沒有什麼理由 如果說這樣很沒出息 因為我很想你

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