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2010-02-12 01:27:15
2007-12-25 22:28:26

Xmas-not yet

Christmas day, may you a merry christmas

2007-12-24 19:30:46


『妳有樣東西在我這,要記得來拿... 。』 “不然,不然這周六我生日,一起吃個飯順便帶給我,如何?” 『好,中餐晚餐?Lawry’s好嗎?我記得妳一直很想去;算我的。』 “中餐,過午你還要陪我逛淡水老街,晚上還要...

2007-12-23 20:29:03

eve before eve-not yet

聖誕夜前一夜 沒什麼計畫 沒什麼特別 連可以討論的人都沒有 越來越...越來越...不見歡樂

2007-12-23 19:10:10
2007-12-17 01:33:28

once in a while

有時候 還是會踏進那個離我已經很遠的世界 遠到讓我覺得我是很突兀地闖進 每次一進入 卻又無法做到低調 往往會有數千雙的眼睛盯著你看 一瞬間 會僵住片刻

2007-12-16 22:35:18

so stressed out-not yet

this year, somehow i never awoke later then 7 am.

2007-12-06 01:04:05
2007-12-06 01:03:18

髮-not yet


2007-12-04 01:54:14

one and one is not two

you came one year later than me, you left one year earlier than me. how much i hope i could’ve met you in between, where were we and what were we doing then? if i were where i am now, maybe i...

2007-12-03 00:46:09


i can’t believe that i am so good at pushing you away. also puch away whoever i want to.

2007-12-03 00:45:04


if, just in case if i still have little chance, i’ll choose an apartment to live with you. though i know now you choose the single-four-store house, i still think an apartment with proper speace...

2007-12-01 02:36:43

my name

unquestionably, i have a chinese name, which is unbelievably rare and unic, especially it belongs to a female. (it’s not just like feminine form of VERNON...) my surname is not unusual, my middl...

2007-11-26 23:41:08

under the airplane route

這周末宅得可以;只是因為想好好補眠,醒了睡,睡了醒;有時候中間隔不到兩小時,所以出門就省了。 趁著周末的最後一餐,還是到公館打打牙祭; 儘管才六點不到,但已是夜色,騎到羅斯福跟基隆路口停下來等紅燈,...

2007-11-26 23:39:43

saturday, november 24th, 2007

20071124sat1212sunny and rainy day 宅的第一天,網路沒了,故看著電視一台一台轉來轉去是一定要的,不知道看到了哪一台哪一個節目,我想我還是想在北方的。

2007-11-17 01:23:06


法蘭克從軍去 除了要跟他的豔光四射說掰掰 抱著兵單哭了三天三夜 還是毅然決然匆匆決定報效國家去 而我 儘管明瞭這一天終究來臨 也著實不適應了好一陣子 少了人幫我解惑 少了人跟我聊聊近況 少了人跟我一...

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