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2010-02-12 01:27:15
2007-01-19 00:14:58

it was stolen

因為暗戀 所以自以為的幸福是偷來的 photo from: http://www.clampettstudio.com/newreleases/april06/stolen_dreams.htm

2007-01-18 18:06:41

i quit

i have been looking for some point to quit, then, it is now. i quit.

2007-01-17 03:30:52


我以為我哭得最慘的一次 不過是因為 我還年輕 之後我不以為有什麼事會讓我再哭得沒天沒地 it just showed up tonight.

2007-01-17 01:50:50


我不能假裝醒來後 又是美好的一天

2007-01-17 00:53:31


please, forgive me for i quit without even fighting for you. i am sorry, i really am. yet, i love you, i really do. though i never put any efforts before i give up.

2007-01-13 00:14:58


最近一開口就想烙英文, 連爆粗口也不例外, 影響的是中文常結巴或是吃螺絲, 這可好了, 正常公事表達得不清不楚, 聊天瞎哈拉也冷到了一個前所未有的境界, 能跟我”let’s talk in english”的, 你以為會有幾個?...

2007-01-10 17:23:19


起飛降落間, 願一切美好與你同在.

2007-01-10 11:44:49

Friday Night 電影馬拉松之Illusionist

為什麼會選這部片呢? 有一個很的大原因是我沒看過這位仁兄演的浪漫愛情片, 應該說是他沒演過, 所以我沒得看.

2007-01-10 11:40:33

Friday Night 電影馬拉松之Blood Diamond

血鑽石, 嗯,我不得不說這部片是我看了快一個月的電影中,最深得我心的一部.

2007-01-10 11:33:19

Friday Night 電影馬拉松之Babel

因為台長此次的電影欣賞內容豐富, 所以各闢一篇文章介紹, 介紹順序就依台長觀賞順序排列, 無厚此薄彼之虞. (六位男女主角男的俊帥有型,女的美若天仙,哪一個我都捨不得不介紹)

2007-01-04 23:46:51

Friday Night電影馬拉松-預告

咳咳 今天要來個預告 台長腰好了九成 (剩下的一成要小心,不然很容易功虧一簀...) 所以明天繼續Friday Night電影馬拉松 預告有: Blood Diamond, 血鑽石 Illusionist, 魔幻至尊 and Babel, 火線交錯 嘿嘿...

2007-01-02 14:00:33


原來我不懂得怎麼完美地告一段落, 然後再踏入另一個階段. 所以, 常常錯失了the right timing, the right person.

2007-01-01 23:54:45

twenty- eighth

i like this number. it is the day part of my birthday. it is an even number which i always prefer. and it is kinda my lucky number. and most of all, i strongly hope this will be the number i ca...

2007-01-01 23:46:33

Monday, January 1st, 2007

so soon, this is the only thing i could think of when the monent came today. it’s been almost nine years. i hope i’ve grown and up.

2007-01-01 23:43:58


this word, is from latin somehow, this is the word that acn describe me today. "......don’t worry baby, get a little high......"

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