明:本文原載2009年4月號《聯合文學》,後經中華民國筆會(The Taipei Chinese Center, International P.E.N.)英譯,刊載於2010年冬季號《中華民國筆會季刊》。另,本文收入張耀仁短篇小說集《親愛練習》(九歌出版)
The kittens came into the world before dusk, their bodies slick, their eyes covered by a grey film. Waaaaaaa: Their mewling summoned their mother, who started gently licking them, leaving her unable to ignore the disconcerting sight of blood underneath: Due to the mother’s incontinence during the delivery, the corrugated cardboard box was now going damp and soft inch by inch, its muddy yellow color seeming all the muddier. It was like a heavy clump of earth silently enduring the squirming vigor of the living.
Then, without warning, the mother cat snapped at the scruff of the neck of one of the kittens.
Crouching by the box, she witnessed the shocking scene without being particularly surprised. Experience told her that the mother cat might even swallow the kitten without thinking, simply because the smell of a human trespasser, overwhelmingly near, had disturbed the intimacy of the moment. So she turned away and went over to the full-length window. A distant street light was flashing, slashing like a knife through the curtain of night. Farther off, it seemed there’d been a traffic accident. There was a confusion of flashing lights, like a mess of thoughts one could never unravel. She gasped as blood seeped out from the groove around her fingernail. She’d been biting her nails for so many years now; she’d even glued on acrylic glitter nails, but a habit was a habit. Whenever she was anxious she’d start biting off little pieces and end up stripping the yellowish skin around her nails. “Still not here?” She glanced at the clock – the minute hand had almost overtaken the hour hand, their shadows nearly superimposed – but she didn’t know how long it had been: Their fur still sticky, the kittens looked like baby mice with wrinkled faces.
Just as she was getting ready to make a call, she heard the sudden sound of braking outside. It was a long, drawn out screech, a chilly sound from a long way off. July is not a windy month, but chilly drafts were raging through the room. Vexingly, they flapped the posters of celebrities hanging on the wall. But she remained calm and composed. Stroking her belly, she said: “Such a good little baby! Don’t be scared, Mommy’s here.”
Pitter patter.
Noise filled her ears. Standing at the side of the road, the Indonesian caregiver Maria’s eyes opened wide. She couldn’t believe it: an old man just lying there on the road, unmoving.
People coming and going, honking, shouting – Maria had never imagined the weekend would begin with a scene like this. She secured the strap of her hipsack, stopped for a moment, as if remembering something, then hurried over to stand under an awning. The heat of the muggy summer night pressed down. Every face seemed wound up and uncertain. Sweat marks had become like burdensome children that couldn’t be shaken off. They climbed up onto people’s shoulders and started choking them, leaving Maria’s face covered in perspiration as well. She kept ducking into a store, hungry for a cool moment of relief, only to get a hostile sidelong glance from the clerk.
She looked herself up and down in the mirror but didn’t see anything abnormal in her appearance. Maybe she was still trying to get used to this city – maybe she would never be able to get used to her new life. It had been several weeks already, but she was still missing that village in the south. At this time of day, she’d be in the park, talking and laughing with other Indonesian girls, maybe playing a game of shuttlecock, maybe sitting with Grandpa as he smoked one cigarette after another while she asked herself why the golden shower tree in the distance was always blooming with small yellow flowers, or why the red-orange clouds somehow seemed like children.
Her children. She remembered her children crying at the airport on the day of her departure and laughing on the phone. Then and there, an anxious mood welled up inside her like a sour belch, making her eyes bright with tears. It wasn’t that she was feeling especially vulnerable today, but that the strangeness of the surroundings over the past four weeks had filled her with an ineffable loneliness. It was only in the past two weeks that she’d started venturing outside by herself, and the last few times, the husband and wife she was working for had refused her request to go out. They were baffled: “What for? Aren’t you going back to Indonesia in a few days?” In a few days Maria’s work visa would expire. She would have to leave and come back if she wanted to keep working in Taiwan. But how could she return empty handed? She wanted to buy some clothes for the children. She should get Baria a new watch. And maybe she could wear one of those Hello Kitty T-shirts that were so popular this year. Maria unconsciously felt for her hipsack. But since when had she become habitually vigilant? The other day images of agitated Indonesian women had appeared on the news in a report on mugging. The couple had been laughing about it ever since: “See? See? And you still want to go out alone?”
Maria didn’t give up, though she didn’t know how to argue with them. She walked and walked, and her body felt lighter and lighter. She so wanted to have a bite of curry chicken. Fried rice noodles would also be nice. She started resenting the couple for not letting her out until now, when it was almost past dinner time. A lot of the buffet places had already taken in the tables and chairs; the bakeries were pulling down their shutters. Going past McDonald’s, she looked in through the bright full-length window at the prices on the menu, hesitated, and walked on.
She didn’t plan on getting something at the convenience store. That microwave fare was all like freshly puffed popcorn: savory, but ultimately unsatisfying.
It was just when she was about to turn towards the entrance to the shopping area in front of the train station that Maria spotted a cat: Its shiny white fur was especially striking at night. It was crouching, its hind legs rubbing against the ground, its front paws grabbing wildly at something on the stair. In the flashing light, Maria saw spots of blood on the ground. They were like bestial eyes blinking; this was a sign of a she-cat in heat. One should have heard wanton cries belonging to the still of the night. Instead one heard demented, quaking screeches, causing Maria to notice how desolate the area was. A few human forms were leaving, their steps scattered; occasionally a scooter would roar past honking its horn, as if emboldening itself by raising a brief clamor in the intersection.
Was it that late? The streetlamps stretched Maria’s plump shadow until it was eerily long. The shadow soon disappeared into the greater darkness of a building.
The she-cat, still stepping in its own blood, was meowing incessantly.
She picked up the kitten. Purple blotches had appeared on its body as rigor mortis set in. The fur had darkened. Only the eyes, not yet entirely shut, still gave light.
She stroked the kitten, as if stroking a warm sweater.
Her shirt was sticking to her armpits and chest – it was just too hot out! Everything was dripping with sweat: the chairs, the tables, the cats – different odors bore down on her. The mother cat was so restless that it struggled to stand up and walk, tottering, reminding her of the time the cat had eaten the placenta to replenish lost nutrients – it’d been so bloody. And now, in the dark, in a reflection on the glass, she saw the mother cat trembling mightily. The entire room started to shake.
Was she overtired? She rubbed her temples and stood up: another spurt of violent swaying.
Looking out, she saw that the tangle of lights in the street had long since disappeared. All she noticed now was a few faint electronic signs in the intersection: NEED CASH? WANNA MEET A DOCTOR? HARD-ON GUARANTEED IN 30 SECS!
She kept looking until her eyes glazed over, but she never saw him. She wondered whether she’d just missed his call when she went to the bathroom. A whole day! Now she was mad: Why had she wasted a dozen hours in this little room waiting for someone who wasn’t coming?
She picked up the phone and was once again transferred to his voicemail. Again she heard Jolin Tsai’s “Dancing Diva” (she would have chosen Deserts Chang’s “Baby”). She started to worry: Had there been an accident? Was he sick? Or maybe he…. On second thought that didn’t seem right: He would have let her know. Oh why would he suddenly start ignoring her? She paced along the edge of the bed. The kitten she was still clutching in her hands seemed colder and colder, like frozen hope. Her cold tears trickled defiantly past her chin.
She wasn’t unaware that mother cats often accidentally crush their kittens to death. But this time was different. She yelled: BECAUSE THIS TIME I’M PREGNANT! DON’T YOU GET IT?
We get it, Little Sister. Calm down.
The whole family crowded pit-a-pat into the room. Their lips were greasy; a few had garlic on their breath.
Her elder sister said: I say, how can an expectant mother let herself get upset over nothing?
Her elder sister’s husband said: And who is willing to watch this kind of tragedy unfold?
Her elder brother said: Don’t cry, Little Sister, just tell your Bro’ who’s been pickin’ on you. I’ll kill him!
Her younger brother said: No way Pearl did it on purpose, right Pearl?
(The mother cat meowed)
Her mother said: How can it be doing you any good to go the whole day without eating?
You listen to your brother-in-law: There’s the pain of involvement and then there’s the pain of losing love. Trust me: Not getting tied down beats tying the knot.
Her elder sister cut in: What are you doing saying such things to a pregnant woman?
Her elder brother said: Just tell me which stinking prick violated you and I’ll fix him up good!
Her younger brother said: Pearl’s a good kitty, right? Pearl, Pearl, meow meow meow.
(The mother cat meowed again)
Pregnant women shouldn’t go petting cats. It’ll scare the bébé.
Her mother said: Why don’t I cook up a bowl of your favorite sweet red bean soup?
(Another meow)
It takes wisdom to let go. How are you ever going to be happy if you don’t see through life’s illusions?
Her elder sister said: Can’t you be a bit more cheerful?
That’s nice, dear, Mother said, as I’ve just cooked up a couple of pomfrets. Shall I serve them now?
Mom gave everyone a meaningful glance: “Cats love fish, right?”
Meeeeow, meeeeow.
None of them could remember when the kitchen drain had begun making this strange sound: a bit shrill but also plaintive, and if you listened carefully didn’t it sound like there were people whispering inside? Mother figured she should go and buy some Draino. It wouldn’t do for it to keep making this sound.
That’s right, it would never do for Little Sister to keep on like this…, her brother-in-law said. What’ll become of her?
“Chen Wutang, just shut up and look cute: No one here’ll think you’re mute!” With a line and a look straight out of a television miniseries, her elder sister melodramatically slammed down her chopsticks.
I, I… – the man was about to continue when out of nowhere a pair of chopsticks was flung at him.
They all returned to the dinner table and picked up their bowls and chopsticks. It was like everyone had gone and put on makeup. They were wearing flippant expressions. The food was the same, but it seemed to have lost its flavor. Silence was oozing from their mouths as they chewed. It was like a dream gnawing on another dream, her mother’s rumbling in the kitchen the only sound: She turned on the exhaust fan over the stove, hoisted the pail and the mop, and frantically began cleaning up.
Ma, take a break. Come and eat before the food gets cold. I’ll get Wutang to wash the dishes in a bit, her big sister hollered.
Mother didn’t answer. She finished tidying up, sat down at the table, still trying to catch her breath. In the next shot, they were shrouded in the flickering light of a fluorescent bulb that had gone on the fritz. It was like an uncertain spirit. Irritated, Mother got up and turned it off, leaving only the yellow stove fan light. The outlines of their faces were indistinct, almost plunged into darkness. They couldn’t tell which dish was which, yet the sound of people shoveling rice into their mouths was particularly clear.
In a muted voice, her little brother said: It’s just like we’re having a candlelight dinner.
They all erupted into giggling. After all, they were veiled in a darkness in which “they couldn’t see one another,” and that was comforting, a momentary relief for frayed nerves. “Shush! Children should just listen, not talk!” her mother said, smiling as she passed her son a piece of meat. Her elder brother gave the kid a spoonful of bitter melon with salty egg, only to meet with protest: I don’t like the taste of bitter. Her brother-in-law jumped in: “What? Life’s a bitter pill. You’d better learn to swallow it or you might end up like your sister….”
“Chen Wutang, you maggot mouth!” Her big sister roared through the gloom.
She had become a breach in the family, an enigma to be discussed in secret. Ever since her heart had been broken, they’d all been playing psychologists or even extremely accommodating actors: When pregnancy came up (such a good little kitty) or when she was expecting his call (he just called to say he was leaving …) or waiting for him to arrive (he’s on his way over; he’ll be here in no time), they played their parts knowing full well that the affair was truly over, that she was now simply waiting, waiting in a fantasy world of her own creation. Her waiting had become like a shadow, soundless and obscure, stretched too long in the glare of a light.
So no wonder her mother would sigh and say: “Who knew your little sister would fall so hard?”
“It’s so strange. Isn’t ‘speed dating’ popular with you young people these days? How’d she manage to turn herself into such a basket-case?”
“Such a good girl!” Mother was getting worked up.
Ma, you eat first and let’s talk about it later, her elder brother said.
That’s right, Mommy, we’re having a candlelight dinner, her little brother said.
Ma, don’t get yourself all alarmed. It’s just a phase. It’ll pass. She’ll be fine. her elder sister said.
You can say what you will, but it’d be better to commit her sooner rather than later…, her brother-in-law muttered, a wrenching heat flooding his thigh. He took a few hurried sips of soup and shut his mouth.
And this wasn’t the first time. Whenever they discussed her illness, they tried not to think of it: the hospital, the psychiatric department, the psyche ward – for that would be part of a pitiless process of gradual acceptance of the idea that “there’s no such person in this family.” Anyway, where were they going to get the money to send her to the hospital? Who would take care of her? Who could take care of her?
They fell silent again, facing each other in the darkness (fortunately, they still couldn’t see one another clearly).
Just then, a moth burst in from who knows where, buzzed up to the light and started bashing itself against it. The more they watched it the more hot and restless the summer night seemed.
Her mother looked up: “Maybe there’s something wrong with the fengshui of this building?”
Her mother murmured to herself: “Don’t people say that there’s a ship flying over the roof?”
The sink started making that sound again, like some kind of secret speech.