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[西班牙語] 非正式未來式與假日

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 L 2.2  Informal Future and Holidays 

Hoy aprenderás de las días festivos y el futuro informal como,
"En dos semanas, voy a celebrar mis cumpleaños. 
Van a cantar para el fiesta y mucho más.  ¡Vámonos!"

So you already know how to talk about what you do on a regular basis, and how to describe what a person is doing at a certain moment.  But one of the most common things you have to talk about when you go to a new country is what you are going to do, especially holidays are involved.  There are so many holidays that we share with Spanish-speaking countries, but there are also tons of other holidays, too.  Another perk of learning a new language is that you get a lot more holidays to celebrate.  So, when you´re in a new country, make sure to check out the calendar to see there will be any holidays or you can just talk to someone.  Tell them what you are going to see, going to visit, going to eat and who is going with you.  When you are going to go, and they may just have a few suggestions.  So many goings, and all in the informal future.

The informal future is used mostly in conversational Spanish to express future actions without being as formal.  And it´s formed by combining the words of "ir" which you should have already known, the preposition "a" and any infinitive you can think of.  

          informal future= ir a + infinitive

And if you can guess from all the questions earlier, it's loosely translated to mean something is going to do something.

          informal future = "going to do"

Por ejemplo, 

Para el día de San Valentín, voy a comer en un restaurante con mi novio.
On Valentine's Day, I am going to eat in a restaurant with my boyfriend.
          Voy a comer en un restaurante con mi novio

Can you find the informal future?  It's 3 separate words.  It always starts with a form of "ir" in a simple present, so that's "voy", then it's always followed by preposition, "a", which is always followed by an infinitive which in this case is "comer".  ---- I am going to eat. => voy a comer.

súper fácil, ¿no?  Let´s try a few more!

          Para el día de Independencia, van a ir al parque.

¡Espero un momento! <= Ms. Whitmire said so in the video, but it appeared quite strange to me.  I think it should be "¡Espera un momento! (You) wait a moment! (imperative, imperativo afrimativo "tú".  But she might be doing that on purpose, "I wait a moment!".)  

          IR + a + IR?

Isn't that little strange?  Don't you worry!  The formula is a conjugated form of "IR", plus "A", plus any infinitive, and that includes "IR".

          informal future:  IR +  A + infinitive

You say the same thing in English.  They are going to go.  

Alright!  Why don't you try a few?  We're talking about your birthday.  This time you conjugate the form of IR to match the subject in parentheses to describe what the person or persons are going to do.  I'll tell you what each sentence should sound like and what it means after few seconds.

          (Nosotros) IR a celebrar mi cumpleaños mañana.

Aquí tienes IR plus A plus ¨celebrar mi cupleaños mañana.¨
If the subject is ¨Nosotros¨, how would you change ¨IR¨to represent ¨nosotros¨?


          Vamos a celebrar mi cumpleaños mañana.
We are going to celebrate my birthday tomorrow.


(Mi mamá) IR a dar una fiesta para mi cumpleaños.

Va a dar una fiesta para mi cumpleaños.
My mum is going to give a party for my birthday.

          (Tú) IR a cantar una canción en la fiesta.
          Vas a cantar una canción en la fiesta.

You are going to sing a song at the party.

          (Ellos) IR a bailar mucho.
          Van a bailar mucho.

They´re going to dance a lot!

          (Yo) IR a recibir muchos regalos y tarjetas de cumpleaños.
          Voy a recibir muchos regalos y tarjetas de cumpleaños.

Recuerdas las conjugaciones de "ir"?  Espero que sí.

Ahora, some fun information on different holidays throughout the Spanish-speaking world.  Don't worry we're not done with grammar yet.  I'm going to ask you about each tradition, but sit back and relax while you learn about some of neat things that go on in the world that you are learning about. 

          La Nochevieja   = new year´s eve   12-31

Para la Nochevieja or new year's eve en España, it´s traditional to eat 12 grapes, one per second, during the countdown to the new year.  Each grape stands for the luck that comes in 12 months.  It´s also said to be good luck to wear the red underwear.  Now, complete the sentence for the correct conjugation of the IR, and tell me that, ¨they are going to eat 12 grapes for New Year´s Eve and say the whole phrase out loud.

          (Ellos) IR a comer 12 uvas para la Nochevieja.
          Van a comer 12 uvas para la Nochevieja.

          La Nochebuena = Christmas Eve  12-24

Ahora, la Nochebuena or Christmas Eve.  Many Spanish-speaking countries are predominately catholic, and for this reason, many Spanish speakers go to a midnight mass or church services.

          La Navidad = Christmas  12-25

Y... para la Navidad or Christmas, there is usually an exchange of gifts as well as lots of delicious traditional food and family time.  What are many Spanish speakers going to do on Christmas Eve?

          (Ellos) IR a ir a la iglesia a la medianoche.
          Van a ir a la iglesia a la medianoche.

          El Día de los Reyes Magos = 3 Kings Day    1-6

It's a very special holiday among all Spanish speaking countries that is celebrated on Jan. 6th, commemorating the day that 3 wise men found Jesus in Bethlehem.  Children will write letters to wise men tell them their behaviors in the previous year and asking for certain gifts.  On Jan. 5th, the children will place their shoes outside of their doors filling them with grass and straw for the camels of three Kings.  When they wake up in the morning, all the grasses are gone, and shoes are filled with small candies and gifts.  

What are the children going to do for 3 Kings' Day?

          (Ellos) IR a comer muchos caramelos para el Día de los Reyes Magos.
          Van a comer muchos caramelos para el Día de los Reyes Magos.

          El Día de los Muertos    

The day of the dead may seem like a Spanish version of Halloween.  But it's actually very different, "El Día de los Muertos" is actually a 2-day affair.  Nov. 1st for children who passed away, and Nov. 2nd for adults.  And it's celebrated all over the world.
In Mexico, family celebrate the memories of their family members who have died by cleaning up cemeteries, placing fresh marigold flowers, toys, poems, stories, and other trinkets on the graves.  Blankets, pillows and food and drinks are set out for the spirits of the death to help them on the long journey to the after-life.

What are you going to do on the day of the death?

          (Yo) IR a comprar flores para el Día de los Muertos.
          Voy a comprar flores para el Día de los Muertos.

Un festival (Ms. Whitmire pronounced it as "festivo") muy popular es el carnaval (Ms. Whitmire pronunced as "carneval", but since the correct spelling is "carnaval", I just put carneval here and hereinafter.), "carnaval" is celebrated for varying lengths but it's always held in the day leading up to the catholic season of Lent, and it's always celebrated with gusto usually involving "desfiles" or parades, 

          El desfile   (parade)

bailes, mucha música, y disfrazes extravagantes

          Los disfrazes extravagantes

outlandish costumes

What are you going to do for "carnaval"?

          (Yo) IR a bailar la samba en el desfile para el Carnaval.
          Voy a bailar la samba en el desfile para el Carnaval.

The last week of Lent is called, "La Semana Santa".  This week is celebrated as preparation for Easter or "Pascua"

          La Pascua
it´s celebrated differently in every country, but a lot of time is spent in Mass in the catholic church.  Sevilla in Spain is very well known for its elaborate street possession where people would dress up in robes and carry a platform with lifelike wooden sculptures molded into scenes from Jesus' life.

What is she going to do during "la Semana Santa"?

          (Ella) IR a ir a la iglesia.
          Va a ir a la iglesia.

          Las Fallas

Y finalmente tenemos Las Fallas.  En Valencia, España, in the middle of March, each neighborhood build giant statues out of cardboard, woods and plaster called, "Ninots".  They are frequently satirical representations of celebrities, politicians or current events.  On the last of 5 nights on March 19th which is called "la crema", after everyone votes on the best ninot, the pageant has been decided, the bull fights won, the ninots are stuffed for fuegos artificiales or fireworks and set on fuego, fire.

What are you going to do at "Las Fallas"?

          (Yo) IR a mirar los fuegos artificiales y los fuegos grandes.
          Voy a mirar los fuegos artificiales y los fuegos grandes.

Phew……es todo para hoy.

Updated April 3, 2013 (proofread by Gogo.)

The series of SpanishDict courses were putting on this blog before knowing the courses were available on YouTube till last week.  It does not make much sense for me to making such transcript after knowing the course available on YouTube since captions are provided by YouTube.

西班牙的郵筒   by Frank 

台長: frank
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