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2011-11-10 03:13:27| 人氣2,284| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[France] 說實話也是一種「失態」

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說實話也是一種「失態」,這就是「政治」的本質吧!不過,因為這個新聞,薩柯奇在我心中的地位提高不少。從以色列總理納坦雅胡 (Benjamin Netanyahu) 與國防部長 Ehud Barak 的種種發言,實在不難理解為甚麼那麼多人討厭猶太人。可是討厭猶太人在現代的西方社會卻是一大禁忌,本屆感城影展才有一位導演 Lars Von Trier 因此被大會列為不受歡迎人物 (persona non grata),今年三月間 Christian Dior 的首席設計師 John Galliano 因此被開除。


在西方社會稱一個人騙子 (liar) 是很嚴重的指控,也是極大的貶抑。不過這真是國際外交的經典對話!

看來做為以色列政府代表的納坦雅胡 (Benjamin Netanyahu),在其他領袖眼中也是惹人厭的傢伙!

Sarkozy exposed by gaffe over Israel's Netanyahu

French President Nicolas Sarkozy (left) and US President Barack Obama in Cannes, 3 Nov 11
President Sarkozy's true thoughts slipped out - and not for the first time
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The first rule of politics: "Don't ever speak in front of a live microphone, if you don't want to be overheard."

The comments that have heaped embarrassment on French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US President Barack Obama were made in a backroom meeting, ahead of a bilateral press conference. Private - but now out in the open.

The journalists had been told not to plug headphones into the translation boxes they had been given. It was too good an invitation. Those who did were treated to a rare insight into the importance of personal relationships in international politics.

"I can't stand him any more," said Mr Sarkozy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "He's a liar."

Mr Obama replied: "You're sick of him. I have to deal with him every day!"

The comments were made on Thursday, yet the French reporters who were waiting in the conference hall gathered in a huddle and agreed not to publish what they had heard.

Was it the honour of the press pack - or the overbearing deference (even fear) with which French journalists approach the political class? You can't help feeling if similar comments had been overheard by British journalists, the tabloids would have had a field day.

Inevitably the quotes found their way into the Israeli newspapers and the damage was done.

Brusque with journalists

President Sarkozy has often displayed his impatience with questions from the floor.

Last week at the G20, the BBC's Paul Mason was treated to a "Sarko smackdown" for the temerity of asking whether French and German pressure was forcing political change in Greece and Italy. Mr Sarkozy did not hide his disdain.

temerity n. 鹵莽,蠻勇
disdain  vt. n. 輕蔑、蔑視、鄙棄

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The Israeli PM opposes the Palestinians' current drive for statehood

So who will dare to ask the French president for his reaction to this story?

Regardless of any response that might follow (and so far there has been none), what it shows is that some world leaders do have a "difficult" relationship with the Israeli prime minister. Perhaps it is his intransigence on the building of settlements in Palestinian territories.

intransigence  n. 不妥協;強硬

And while some will smile at the diplomatic tap dance that will no doubt follow, there is a serious side.

Peace negotiations, delicate as they are, depend on trust. And this quote reveals there is very little trust between the French president and the Israeli prime minister.

But then, Mr Sarkozy does seem to have a difficult relationship with several world leaders.

Particularly revealing is an article that appears today in Le Monde.

"European Disunion" is the headline. It features an image of President Sarkozy surrounded by other European leaders - and between them, the insults and sideswipes that over the years each has directed at the other.

Blunt language

Mr Sarkozy appears to have an opinion on all of them.

Of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, "she says she's on a diet then she helps herself to a second helping of cheese," he said. Of Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero: "perhaps he's not very intelligent."

When asked about Silvio Berlusconi's ability to deliver reform in Italy he was at least stuck for words - though the roll of his eyes spoke volumes.

Le Monde columnist Arnaud Leparmentier, quoting a member of the EU's European Council, said when fellow leaders pick up the phone to talk to one another, they will often joke, "do you want me to tell you what he (Sarkozy) said about you - or do you want to start by telling me what he said about me!"

All in all, not the image President Sarkozy would have hoped to portray at the G20 summit six months from an election. This was one of the last opportunities to show on the biggest stage that he is a leader of international stature, respected and liked.

The agenda of the G20 summit was hijacked by the Greeks - now it has been sidelined by his own indiscretion.


台長: frank

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