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Obama 總統所提出以「1967年的國界」做為以阿雙方和談的基礎,對原本生活在約旦河東岸的巴勒斯坦人而言已經是「砍到見骨」的條件了。納坦亞胡在美國國會的演說,雖然用詞委婉,但是既否定了這個1967年的邊界,又提出不少要求:像是要在約旦河沿岸駐軍,維持強占而來的「屯墾區」,以及巴勒斯坦人不得回到以前的故鄉(因為以色列是個猶太國家)。

在台灣或是東亞都少有猶太人,很難了解為什麼歐洲有那麼多人會討厭猶太人。今年就有幾個著名案例--名人因為反猶太的言論成為媒體注目的焦點。三月初被 Dior 開除的首席設計師 John Galliano, 以及上一周在坎城影展(Cannes Film Festival)被大會列為不受歡迎人物的丹麥導演 Lars Von Trier 都是。「反猶太」的言論在歐美顯然是大忌,畢竟針對一個民族。美國前總統小布希 (George W. Bush) 動不動給他不喜歡的國家貼標籤,像什麼「流氓國家」(Rogue States),(不過這個「流氓國家」名單裡小布希卻刻意遺漏以色列。)所以個人對於一個國家的敵意與蔑視看來是符合歐美的行為規範的。實在是有太多的「猶太人」不是「以色列人」了,不然就「反以色列人」就好了嘛!在亞洲,大都是民族國家,所以國家和民族基本是等同的。像在中國「反日本」不僅是一種愛國的表現,更可以說是國民的基本態度。就拿在中國舉辦的國際賽為例,中國的觀眾一定要到場給日本隊喝倒采;如果發生了像2004年亞洲杯足球賽,這種在北京比賽,日本隊又敢贏中國隊的話,日本隊隊員與球迷的人身安全就只能指望中國執政當局是否願意及時派出維安警力來保護了。



Fatah (巴勒斯坦解放組織 Palestine Liberation Organization 中最大的派系,也可以說因為PLO被認定為恐怖組織,所以換一塊招牌來成立政府,正當性高一些,也較能爭取到阿拉伯世界以外的國際支持。)與 Hamas 都不是甚麼「君子」,不過就是反抗侵略者的組織罷了,但或許是個「得道者」;以色列無疑是「失道者」。 在一片反壓迫的「茉莉花革命」浪潮下,這個以國家形式壓迫一群人的的以色列,與獨裁者何異?持平而論,「1967年的國界」對巴勒斯坦而言已是委屈了!納坦亞胡說:"Israel’s 1967 borders were not defensible." 這是強佔他人土地的理由嗎?這與希特勒利用生存空間(Lebensraum)的概念擴張自己的生存領域有何不同呢?


以色列不但是個流氓國家,而且是個擁有WMD與核彈的流氓國家。小布希 (George W. Bush)編造伊拉克有WMD就發動侵略戰爭,把海珊抓來處死。但是卻連將以色列放到「流氓國家」(Rogue States)之列都沒有,真是毫無天理!


To Friendly Crowd, Netanyahu Repeats Criteria for Peace

May 24, 2011

WASHINGTON — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, broadly laying out the Israeli response to President Obama’s peace proposals, called on the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, on Tuesday to accept what Mr. Netanyahu framed as a tenet: that Palestinians will not get a right of return to Israel. In so doing, he proclaimed that this intractable issue was one of the stumbling blocks to a peace
          intractable of a problem or a person 問題或人 very difficult to deal with 很難對付(或處理)的

“I stood before my people and said that I will accept a Palestinian state; it’s time for President Abbas to stand up before his people and say, ‘I will accept a Jewish state,’ ” Mr. Netanyahu said to cheers from a hugely friendly crowd of Democratic and Republican lawmakers gathered in the House chamber of the Capitol.

“Those six words will change history,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “With those six words, the Israeli people will be prepared to make a far-reaching compromise. I will be prepared to make a far-reaching compromise.”

Of course, those words have bedeviled peace negotiators since 1979. Refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and across the Palestinian diaspora want a right of return to the homes they left, or were forced to leave, in Israel. But Israeli officials say a flood of refugees would mean more Arabs than Jews in Israel and could threaten Israel’s continued existence as a Jewish state.

Diaspora  The movement of the Jewish people away from their own country
to live and work in other countries (猶太人的)大流散

Beyond that, as Mr. Netanyahu himself indicated a few minutes later, it would take more than the Palestinians’ acceptance of the Jewish state for Israel to sign a peace agreement. He also said that “Jerusalem will never again be divided,” and added that Israel’s 1967 borders were not defensible. He said new boundaries would need to incorporate large blocs of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and that any peace deal would have to include an Israeli Army presence along the Jordan River.

And, he said, Israel will not negotiate with the Palestinians until Mr. Abbas abandons the recently negotiated unity agreement between his Fatah party and Hamas, the militant Islamic group that controls Gaza and has refused to accept Israel’s right to exist.

Mr. Netanyahu was granted a grand platform before a joint meeting of Congress, and his speech had many of the trappings of a presidential State of the Union address. With elections coming up next year, the lawmakers appeared eager to demonstrate their support for Israel as part of an effort to secure backing from one of the country’s most powerful constituencies, American Jews.

trappings  the possessions, clothes, etc. that are connected with a particular situation,
job or social position (與某一處境、職業或社會地位有關的)身外之物,標誌,服裝

Mr. Netanyahu received so many standing ovations that at times it appeared that the lawmakers were listening to his speech standing up. “He managed to rally wall-to-wall support from Congress,” said Rob Malley, program director for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group. But, he warned, it might have been a pyrrhic victory for the Israeli prime minister.

Pyrrhic victory 得不償失的勝利;以慘重代價換取的勝利

“We’re not talking about a peace process anymore; we’re talking about a P.R. process,”he said. “None of this is going to help avert any of the dangers that the president mentioned in his Sunday speech, that Israel faces.”

Obama administration officials said only progress in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process will win European support for the American effort to stymie a United Nations endorsement of Palestinian statehood in September. And Mr. Obama has portrayed such progress as crucial during a time of democratic upheaval in the Arab world. 

stymie  to prevent sb from doing sth that they have planned or want to do; to prevent something from happening 阻撓;阻礙;阻止;妨礙

Mr. Netanyahu’s speech was the culmination of a tumultuous five days that began on
Thursday, when President Obama called for the creation of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, with mutually agreed land swaps. Mr. Netanyahu initially reacted furiously to Mr. Obama’s announcement, but in the past few days he has sought to emphasize their areas of agreement.

1. very loud; involving strong feelings, especially feelings of approval 嘈雜的;喧囂的;熱烈的;歡騰的
2. involving a lot of change and confusion and/or violence 動盪的;動亂的;狂暴的

Mr. Netanyahu also talked about the populist upheaval in the Arab world, casting Israel as a democratic island in a despotic corner of world. “In a region where women are stoned, gays are persecuted,” Mr. Netanyahu said, “Israel stands out.”

despotic  暴君的;暴虐的,專橫的

His speech broke no new ground concerning the peace process, but it was not expected to. Israeli officials said that Mr. Netanyahu could hardly lay out new proposals to an American audience without telling his own people first.

Palestinian officials were dismissive of Mr. Netanyahu’s message, saying it included no new concessions along with the new demands.

“This is not going to lead to any solution,” Nabil Abu Rudeineh, a spokesman for Mr. Abbas, said by telephone. “Not only is he saying no Jerusalem and no return of refugees and keeping his soldiers along the Jordan, but he is demanding that we tear up our accord with Hamas. We will never accept an Israeli presence in the Palestinian state, especially along the Jordan River.”

The Palestinian leadership is due to meet on Wednesday to discuss the latest statements from Mr. Obama and Mr. Netanyahu. On Saturday, foreign ministers from some Arab League nations will meet with Mr. Abbas in Qatar to fashion an Arab response.

When Mr. Netanyahu’s invitation to speak to Congress was announced, it was reported in Israel that he might offer a new formula for a Palestinian state. But in the wake of the Fatah-Hamas accord and Mr. Obama’s endorsement of a solution based on the 1967 lines, that did not happen.

Still, Israeli settlers and their supporters condemned Mr. Netanyahu for giving away too much.

Naftali Bennet, a leader of the Yesha Council, an umbrella group for settlers, said that concessions made by Mr. Netanyahu over the past 10 days were unacceptable. They included, he said, the idea of maintaining only an Israeli military presence along the Jordan River, as opposed to annexing the Jordan Valley, and the mention to Congress that some settlements would inevitably be left out of Israel’s borders under any deal with the Palestinians.

Helene Cooper reported from Washington, and Ethan Bronner from Jerusalem. Isabel Kershner contributed reporting.

美中東新政策 以總理痛批不切實際



美以峰會 以總理當眾訓斥歐巴馬











  • 2011-05-22
  • 中國時報
  • 【尹德瀚/綜合報導】








The story was taken from The New York Times, Liberty Times & China Times (Taiwan), who do not endorse nor are involved with the production of this blog.  The copyright remains with their original owners respectively.

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