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2010-01-05 01:32:14| 人氣4,533| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[Russia] 普亭說俄羅斯應建更多攻擊武器

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將攔截主力轉為對付伊朗的中短程飛彈。這原本就是普亭的提議。布希原本打算在捷克設反飛彈雷達,在波蘭部署十組反飛彈系統,普亭認為這根本是針對俄國而來;2007.6 八國高峰會上普亭反而提出美俄兩國共同反伊朗的飛彈,使用比較靠近伊朗的亞塞拜然雷達基地。



From The Times        

Vladimir Putin calls for more weapons to stop America doing 'whatever it wants'      

ATopol-M missile in Red Square. Vladimir Putin called for more Russianoffensive weapons to punch through America's new missile defenceshield.       

Will Stewart in Moscow

Russianeeds more weapons to punch through America’s new missile defenceshield, Vladimir Putin said yesterday in blunt remarks that willcomplicate efforts to cut the nuclear arsenals of the former Cold Warrivals.

The Russian Prime Minister, reasserting himself as thecountry’s real ruler, said that Moscow should press ahead with a newgeneration of weapons to stop the Americans doing “whatever they want”.

“Topreserve the balance we must develop offensive weapons systems, notmissile defence systems as the United States is doing,” he said duringa visit to the naval port of Vladivostok on the Pacific coast.

Untilnow, it had seemed that Washington and Moscow were edging towards asuccessor to the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (Start), despitefailing to meet the original target of December 5.

Asked why thetalks had failed to reach agreement on a new deal, Mr Putin said: “Whatis the problem? The problem is that our American partners are buildingan anti-missile shield and we are not building one.”

The PrimeMinister was believed to be voicing the deeply held views of hardlinersin the Russian military machine, but his forthright statement may alsobe linked to growing signs that he is preparing to announce hisintention to seek a new presidential term in 2012.

Internationalarms treaties are the remit of the president. Mr Putin, in staking outhis position, was wading into the domain of Dmitri Medvedev, his chosensuccessor in the Kremlin after he stood down last year.

remit  n.  the area of activity over which a particular person or group has authority, control or influence 職權範圍;控制範圍;影響範圍
wade in(informal)
;   wade into something(informal)
to enter a fight, a discussion or an argument in a forceful or not very sensitive way 強行加入,介入,插手(打架、討論、爭論等)

It hasalways been widely believed that Mr Putin was allowing PresidentMedvedev merely to keep his seat warm while he was taking a break, aslaid down by the Constitution. His return to the presidential officewould signal a harder line.

President Obama’s reversal in Julyof plans to station the American missile defence shield close toRussia’s borders in Central Europe — and his vow to reset relationswith Moscow — were warmly welcomed by Mr Medvedev.  The thaw wasexpected to pave the way for an agreement on a new nuclear armsreduction package.

thaw  a situation in which the relations between two enemy countries become more friendly (敵對國家之間)關係緩和

Now Mr Putin suggests that the Americanconcessions are not enough. “If we are not developing an anti- missileshield then there is a danger that our partners, by creating such anumbrella, will feel completely secure and thus can allow themselves todo what they want, disrupting the balance, and aggressiveness will riseimmediately,” Mr Putin said.

He made it clear that Washingtonshould share its missile defence plans — based on sea and land-basedinterceptors in Europe — with Moscow if it wanted to ease Russianconcerns. “Let the Americans hand over all their information on missiledefence and we are ready to hand over all the information on offensiveweapons,” he said.

Mr Putin’s intervention was seen by observersas an attempt to extract more American concessions on the defenceshield while also allowing him to demonstrate that he remains theparamount voice in Russian politics.

“This is not his sphere butPutin is showing he is not weaker than Medvedev,” the defence analystAleksandr Konovalov said. Some will see it as the latest issue on whichdifferences are emerging between the two players in the leadership ofRussia.

Mr Putin continues to steal the limelight, asillustrated by his high-profile tour around the Far East of Russia at atime when most of the country is winding down for 11 days of holiday atthe start of the new year and Orthodox Christmas. Recently he wasfilmed flooring members of the Russian national judo team.

TheStart treaty was signed shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union18 years ago. It led to significant cuts in Russian and Americanarsenals but expired on December 5. Both countries agreed to extend itwhile talks on a replacement treaty continue.


The story was taken from The New York Times.  The copyright remains with The New York Times Company.  The author of the story and The New York Times are not involved with, nor endorse the production of this blog.

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