美國人到處指責別人破壞生態與環境,似乎忘了他們才是生態與環境最大的破壞者。美國人製造了地球上最多的CFC,也可能是產生了最多的CO2,...。美國人看不慣日本人吃海豚,我想不僅是日本人,大多數的亞洲人都看不慣美國人對食物的浪費(無論禽畜或魚,都有一大堆的部位不吃)。同理,阿拉伯國家是不是也可以指責別的國家的人吃豬,印度指責別人吃牛呢?美國不也發放進口獵殺北極熊的許可證呢?好讓那些到加拿大獵北極熊的美國人可以把打獵的戰利品運回家。而加拿大開放的條件就是"by local people using traditional methods",這又怎麼叫這些日本太地町的魚夫們服氣呢!每年日本2,000尾海豚 vs. 美國100多隻的北極熊,所以日本比較壞!還是因為日本人在自己的國家捕殺,而美國人是跑去加拿大獵殺,所以日本人比較殘忍?不是五十步笑百步嗎?

獵豚片《血色海灣》獲奧斯卡獎 日太地町市長不滿抗議
(2010/03/10 01:01)
奧斯卡金像獎人人搶著要,但卻有人對得獎提出抗議!以日本太地町獵殺海豚為主題的《血色海灣》(The Cove),勇奪第82屆奧斯卡最佳紀錄長片,結果太地町市長十分不滿,認為內容沒有事實根據,還向主辦單位提出抗議。
《血色海灣》擊敗其他強敵,獲頒第82屆奧斯卡最佳紀錄長片,男主角瑞克歐貝瑞(Ric O'Barry)上台領獎時,還高舉紙牌呼籲大眾正視屠殺海豚的事件。在紀錄片中,瑞克歐貝瑞說:「這真是太奇怪了,因為你不知道這裡發生什麼事,你還以為這個城市喜歡海豚和鯨魚。」
導演路易賽侯尤斯(Louie Psihoyos)說,「我們希望透過《血色海灣》這部片,讓日本所有人看到政府封殺的資訊。」不過,太地町市長三軒一高強調,獵捕海豚一切合法,還呼籲外國尊重這項傳統及飲食文化的差異。到底是不是屠殺,不同角度的詮釋也讓影壇盛事奧斯卡惹上爭議。(新聞來源:東森新聞記者詹珝榕、簡心蕾)
March 8, 2010, 12:37 pm
With ‘The Cove’ Victorious at Oscars, Japanese Village Defends Itself
The day after “The Cove” won the Academy Award for best documentary, the Japanese fishing village in that film said its dolphin-hunting practices were legal, and that the movie was unfair to its fishermen.
“The Cove,” directed by Louie Psihoyos, uses surreptitiously gathered footage to document dolphin hunts in the village of Taiji, where about 2,000 such animals are killed for their meat each year with the permission of the government. The hunts are frequently targeted by environmental and animal activists who protest the drives, in which dolphins are herded near the shore with boats, and sometimes attempt to interfere with them. The film has been particularly controversial in Japan, where it has been threatened with legal action and only recently gained distribution to be shown there in April.
surreptitiously adv 1.祕密地;暗中地 2. 不正當地 3. 偷偷地
In a statement reported by The Associated Press, the office of the mayor of Taiji defended the village’s practices and said “The Cove” contained statements that were not based on science. “There are different food traditions within Japan and around the world,” the statement said. “It is important to respect and understand regional food cultures, which are based on traditions with long histories.”Hisato Ryono, a local councilman who appears in “The Cove,” told The A.P.: “This is a close-knit group of fishermen. The more they feel squeezed, the more they will close off to outsiders. They won’t stop this hunt because of such pressure.”Backstage at the Oscars after receiving his award, Mr. Psihoyos said he hoped “the Japanese people will see this film and decide themselves whether animals should be used for meat and for entertainment.”http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/03/08/with-the-cove-victorious-at-oscars-japanese-village-defends-itself/?scp=2&sq=the%20cove&st=cse